Chapter 10- Whore

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Delphine's POV

Getting up this morning I was not in the mood. I woke up on my period thankfully I grabbed some stuff earlier. But now my cramps were kicking my ass. I could ask my dad to stay home but then I would have to explain and no one needs to know. 

I get up and put on black sweat pants and a random hoodie. I grab my shoes and walk out to the living room. It's supposed to rain so Honey asked me last night to drive Nico and Mina to school. I said yes so now I have to sit in a car with them. 

Over the last few days, we all grew closer, but today is not one of those days. I started to sit with them willingly at lunch and occasionally talk to them. 

"Morning Delphine." Mina's voice rings out causing a scowl on my face to appear.

"Are you okay, dear?" Honey asked me coming closer to me and putting her hand on my forehead.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I move away from her and grab an apple and lean on the counter while eating it.

"Kids time to go." We all move to my truck I get in and wait for them. When they both get in I start to drive to school. 

The morning went so slow. I had a math test that I forgot about so my score is hanging in the wind. History went horrible in general. Now it's lunch. 

Sitting at the table Mina and Faye sit across from me chatting. Leon and Nico sit on the sides of me and Nolan sits next to Faye and Leon. I can hear them all talking but I make no move to talk back to them. I rest my head on Nico's shoulder. I feel him tense up before relaxing under my head. 

I can hear how they all freeze for a second before they start talking again. I keep my head on his shoulder until I hear the most high-pitched voice in history.

"Whore get your head off, my boyfriend." 

I ignore her not even opening my eyes to look at her. 

"Cindy I'm not your boyfriend." I feel Nico move under my head.

"Well, this whore still needs to get off of you."

I open my eyes finally staring at her, seeing a tallish blonde girl with ratty hair and a small cheerleading uniform. 

"You really need to find new material. Whore is your only line."

"You're the one who is fucking all of them."

"First of all I haven't fucked any of them and second if anyone is a whore it would be you." I stood up getting closer to her. 

"Doesn't change the fact that you are a whore. I've seen you leave their house." She starts to poke my chest trying to be intimidating. She might have some height over me but she has no experience in violence. You can tell by her appearance. Fake nails, false lashes, caked-on makeup. 

"Well, I'm not the one who opened my legs for half the school." As soon as I finish my head snaps to the side. 

This bitch slapped me. 

I turn my head and grabbed my cheek rubbing the sore area. I feel the slight warmth of the blood from my lip on my fingers. In a few minutes, I wouldn't even notice it. I see her raise her hand to slap me again but I grab it. I grab her shirt collar and bring her head closer to mine. I bring her ear closer to my mouth.

"In order to throw a punch you have to know how to take one," I whisper in her ear before hitting her in the stomach. She doubles over and I bring my leg up to give a lovely kick to her face. She falls back with blood running down her face from her nose. 

As I step away I notice the cafeteria has gone silent and all of them are watching me. When the cafeteria is at its quietest the principal walks in 

"DELPHINE HALE MY OFFICE NOW" His voice echos off the walls. 

I cringe but grab my stuff walking off not sparing anyone a glance. I see some of Cindy's friends helping her up. I walk into the office and sit down in a chair glaring at the wall. The principal sits down and stares me down. 

"What happened out there?"

"She attacked me. I defend myself." He gives me a look of disbelief, "What check the cameras if you don't believe me."

"I will, in the meantime you can wait for your dad to get here."

I sit outside of his office for eternity. The nurse came by a few minutes ago to patch up my wounds she told me how she had Cindy in her office which was why she came to me. I sat there with a butterfly bandage where my lip and chin meet and my knuckles are slightly bruised. 

I lean my head back against the wall waiting for my dad to get here. When I hear the door open and someone walks by me I look up to see my dad looking blankly at me. 

"Mr. Hale come in, Delphine could you join us." The principal called us in. We both sat in front of his desk. He had his computer faced toward us. "Mr. Hale I called you in today because of a fight your daughter was involved in. I have reviewed the footage and it appears that your daughter was defending herself, but I can't let violence go unpunished. So Delphine will be having detention for a week."

I gave my dad a sideways glance trying to see his reaction. 

"What were the injuries of the other student?" 

"Ms. Dawson has a prominent bruise on her stomach and had a bloody nose. The nurse thought that the girl's nose might be broken and that she should go to the hospital to get an x-ray."

I internally smirked at that. The principal asked if my dad wanted to see the security footage when he said no we left. I was expected to come back tomorrow morning and stay an hour late after school for my detention. 

We got in my truck he said that he would have someone come by and grab his bike and take Nico and Mina home. Other than that we didn't talk until we got to the shop. I moved to go and sit at eh front desk but he grabbed my arm and lead me to the back.

"You said that you know a little bit about cars and bikes" I nodded my head, " Good your new task is to take care of this. This is one of our club's member's bikes that is broken I need you to find what is wrong with it." I nodded my head as left alone. I saw some of the other guys giving me curious looks. 

I sat down and got to work by the end when my dad came back over I found that the tension belt was worn out. Darren came by for a bit and asked what happened when he pointed to my band-aid and bruised hand. 

My dad came by when he was done for the day and I told him what I had found. When we got in the truck he grabbed my hand and examined it before driving. When we pulled in he still didn't say a word to me but gave me a new band-aid after dinner. 

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