Chapter 38- Hiking

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Delphine's POV

Pulling up my shorts and buttoning them I look in the mirror. My light blue jean shorts has a few rips and I had on a loose grey shirt. Picking out some old sneakers I leave my room with my phone on me. 

Yesterday Faye wanted to go on a hike and for some reason, I agreed. I enter the kitchen and grab myself an apple. Throwing the core into the trash I make it. She shoots she scores! 

Grabbing my water bottle from the cabinet I go to the fridge. I dump a few ice cubes in my water then I push the button for crushed ice. Then of course the water. Faye should be picking us up in half an hour in her mom's car and taking us to the spot.

Getting water I can hear someone else come into the kitchen. 

"Hey, Delphine can you get me water too?" I look up at Mina as she gets herself a bowl and cereal. 

"Sure." I twist the lid of my bottle on and grab two more bottles. With Mina just coming down I know Nico isn't down yet. With both the bottles I do the same process and see them down on the counter. 

"Mina do you have a backpack?"

"Yeah. I figured we could just share one for us three." She puts her empty bowl in the sink as Nico comes into the kitchen dressed. He comes over and presses a small kiss to my lips before grabbing his own cereal. He stands by me as I sit on the counter. 

"Yeah, that works for me. How long should the hike take?"

"Umm, Faye said that it would be about 2 hours up and down."

"Does she do this trail a lot?"

"Yeah, almost every weekend." I nod and hop down from eh counter. I grab some granola bars, fruit snacks, and the snack pack crackers from the cabinet. I set them down on the counter next to the water bottles. I was looking at everything before going to my room grabbing myself a hat. 

I go upstairs to the linen closet next to Nico's room. I find the sunscreen.

"Hey." I hear someone whisper from behind me. Turning around I see Nico halfway into his room

"Hey." I give him an exaggerated wave as he rolled his eyes. 

"Come here." I walk over to him. He pulls me into the room. 

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he presses me against the door effectively closing it. He looks down at me as his arms cage me in. I can see a small smirk on his lips as he leans down and presses a kiss against my lips. I kiss him back and move my hands on his shoulder. 

When he bits my lip I know where he is going and we don't have time so I push against his shoulders. He backs away with a hurt look on his face. He puts his hand against his chest feigning shock. 

"Let's go Faye should be here soon." I walk out of his room with him following behind me. I walk down the stairs to the kitchen hearing more voices. I walk in as everyone stared at us. Leon has a smirk on his face and raises his eyebrows suggestively. 

"You get laid?" His question has Faye and Mina hitting him in the back of the head. 


"Tough luck, you want to get back up there." 

"Sure." Nico grabs my waist pulling me against him.

"NO! We have plans." I try to wiggle away from him but his grip tightens. Giving up I shake the bottle of sunscreen towards Mina who holds out her hands as I tose it to her. She has her backpack now and Nico and I's water bottles are still on the counter. 

"Is everyone ready?" Faye asks us we all nod gently as Leon moves his head painfully up and down. I don't know he seems to get weirder every day. We walk out of the house with all of our stuff. I lock the door and Nico checks the lock for me. We walk hand in hand to the car. 

Leon and Nola got in the back seat as I slide into the second row with Nico. Faye begins driving when we all buckle up. We started driving I got out my phone and started reading on it. When Faye had stopped the car I looked up to see we had arrived in a small gravel parking lot area. 

I had gotten out and left my door open for Nolan. I waited for him and shut the door behind him as Faye opened the trunk. She grabbed a backpack and shut the trunk. Mina and her put on their backpacks and lead us across a small bridge. 

I of course had put my phone away and was holding Nico's hand as we started walking. Faye stopped at a fork in the trial.

"Which way do we want to take?"

"What are different?" Mina asks her while looking at each one. 

"If we take this one it's more flat terrain but the last portion is really steep to get to the point. The middle one is steep at first but then mostly a gradual hill and flat. This one is the prettiest and has a mixed condition." She pointed to each trail as she spoke.

"Let's do that last one," Nolan says and Faye starts to walk down. Faye and Mina lead us and Nolan and Leon walk in the middle. We walk for a while before we stop in a small shady spot to take a water break. 

"Mina, can I have a snack?" Nico asks as he holds out his hand for one. Mina goes into her bag and hands him a fruit snack. We start walking again as Nico holds his fruit snack.  We continue on the hike for close to an hour before we make it to the lookout point. 

We all take various seats on the rocks and the ground. Me and Nico take a few photos together and with the whole group. When we had hung out and had a snack and water break we decided to head back down. The sun was bright and beating down on us. 

The hike up had been pretty easy, there was a decent hill we had to walk up but most of the trail was a gradual slope. The way back was proving to be a little bit more difficult. With all of us tired and hot the walking was slower and down slightly downhill. 

I take a step and slip on the rock. Nico was behind me and grabbed my arms to hold me upright.

"You okay?" I nod despite the pain in my ankle. He helps me up and we continue to walk. Everyone else was in front of us and had made quite a bit of distance in the time it took. Nico stayed behind me as I took a step and limped. 

I took a few more steps with pain each time. I heard him sigh behind me before he stepped around me and leaned down stopping me from moving. 

"What are you doing?"

"You hurt yourself I'm giving you a piggyback ride." He stands there for a few seconds before wiggling his fingers. I give up and hop on his back holding on to his neck as his hands wrap under my thighs. 

"I'm not sure how this is safer."

"It's not but it would take us a while to get down with you limping." He tells me while walking. We stay silent most of the time. 

"I've never been this tall. Is this why your ego is so big?"

"That makes no sense."

"Yes, it does. If I could see this far over everything I would totally be a cocky fucker."

"Oh, so I'm cocky." 

"Yeah did you not know?" I fake surprise as I feel his shoulder move with a chuckle. 

I lean my head against his shoulder and close my eyes loving the relaxing moment. Granted this is extremely hot I mean the sun is blazing and I'm on his back and he is a literal walking furnace. 

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm being set down in the car's leather seat. 

"Shh. Go back to sleep Doll I got you." I snuggle my head into the seat and fall asleep but I can hear the doors close and light talking. 

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