Chapter 31- Pickup Lines

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Delphine's POV

Sitting in the kitchen Nico comes out with two plates. He sets one down in front of me and Mina. He goes back and both with two plates each time the final time he comes out he sets one down in front of Leon and himself. 

We sit down for lunch together. Leon and Faye are sitting next to me. Nico is across from me, Mina across from Faye, and Nolan across from Leon. After we finish eating we all start talking. They catch me up on today's drama, apparently, Cindy came after Mina and Faye today claiming that they slept with the boys despite Mina being Nico's sister. 

I was sitting next to Leon as he was telling me about a past hook-up. He hasn't told me any recent stories but the ones from the past are somehow worse than current girls. He tell me how one of the girls called out someone else's name while doing it who turned out to be her step-brother. Gross. 

Leon gets closer to me and whispers in my ear, "Play along" I look over at him as he nods at me,

"Do you have any raisins?"


"No? Then can I have a date?" He smirks at me, I roll my eyes.


"Fine how bout this. I must be a snowflake cause I've fallen for you." He gives me a flirty smile. 

"No, okay. Feel my shirt." He pulls his shirt away from his stomach and brings it up towards me. "Know what that's made of? Boyfriend Material." This one causes me to giggle at his ridiculousness. This draws the attention of everyone at the table to us. 

"Last one, Your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic ocean. And I don't mind being lost at sea."

"Her other eye is green dumbass. And quit hitting on her." Nico tells Leon while holding a fist. 

"Why is that only reserved for you?" Leon tilts his head innocently while Nico glares at him and  Nolan snickers.  

"Hey, Delphine did your green eye come from your mom?" Faye asks me as I rip my gaze away from Nico and his clenching fists.

"Kind of. My mom had brown eyes but she told me that her mom my grandmother had green eyes and that was where I had gotten them." I explain to her as she nods. 

"You don't really talk about your mom." Faye points outs. She had never been around when I explained my family situation so her curiosity made since. 

"She was never a good mother. The reason I came here was that she had died of a drug overdose. " I told her with a steady voice as Faye's eyes gloss over before trying to give me condolences. 

"Don't worry about it. It wasn't very saddening for me, like I said she wasn't really a mom." 

"Well yeah, but she must have had a few good moments." She says hopefully. 

"I guess when I was younger but she started using when I was about 7 and from then on she was never my mom again," I tell her as her eyes once again watered. I look around as everyone's eyes are trained on me. 

"Can yall stop looking at me?" They mutter sorry before looking away and breaking into conversation again. 

"Hey we have to get back class starts in 15." Faye and Mina get up first as the boys groan. 

"You big babies it's the last week of school." Mina slaps Nico's head a little as he stands up. 

I walk them out as Nico checks to make sure that the back door and front door are locked. I watch as they drive away and I go back to the kitchen. Since I'm doing online I'm done for the day. Some of my teachers upload some of my work in weekly increments and some do it daily. 

Two of my classes are completely done unless I failed the assignments. Most of the teachers told me that this week was mostly catch-up work, so I didn't really have anything to do. I did do some extra credit work to keep from getting bored. I mean there is only so much reading ad drawing you can do before you get bored and when the TV is the only thing to keep you company things get boring. 

Entering the kitchen I take the dirty dishes and was them and out them away. Going to eh living room I turn on one of the true-crime documentaries that Mina suggested. 

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