House of Stings

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Layla's POV

"The search is complete. You may return to your rooms," Victor finally said as my sister, Amber, Patricia, Mara and I worked on homework at the table. Alfie and Jerome had gotten in trouble for leaving the room when they rushed off to check on their goose but seeing as Victor hadn't mentioned it, I was guessing they were in the clear.

"Hey, can I borrow your ruler?" Eddie asked as he tapped me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, sure, here you go," I told him, blushing as our hands brushed against each other and missing the way his face lit up.

"So, Victor, didn't find anything, then? No four-legged friends, no web-footed waterfowl?" Alfie asked and I could see Jerome glaring at him.

"No, no. But if I do, rest assured, there will be consequences," Victor replied.

"So it was all just a wild goose chase, then?" Alfie joked and Eddie patted me on the back as I choked on my glass of juice.

"Enough, Lewis. There will be grave consequences for those of you who chose to ignore Vera's instructions to remain in here, Starting with you," Victor started to say.

"I think they've all been cooped up long enough, Victor," Vera told him.

"So, guys, I think we're ready. Victor's gonna be at the staff meeting tonight, so tunnel time in two hours?" Nina asked.

"Or or maybe we could just practice a bunch more times," Amber argued.

"Look, Amber, we already practiced upstairs.
You'll be fine," I reassured her. So meet here later? Agreed?" Everyone nodded. I would just have to sneak out the spare amulet while Nina and Amber weren't looking.


"Any luck?" I asked as I knocked and opened the door to see Jerome passed out on the floor by his bed.

"Hello? Oh Um Oh! Yes! Yes! You sweet, sweet beauty," he said as he checked and then held up a gooey gem. "Oh Yeah, uh Oh. Goosey goo.
And voila. One gemstone direct from the digestive system of a very relieved goose," he said.

"Well, don't bring that thing near me. It's all drippy!" I exclaimed in disgust backing up several feet.

"You should really go wash it off," I told him as I left to go meet up with my sister and everyone else.

"Alfie, what time is it?" I heard Fabian asking as.

"It's ten past 8:00," he answered.

"Where's Nina?" Patricia asked.

"Here! Sorry, I couldn't get gran off the phone.
She's on the ghost walk tonight. Victor's gone, right?" Nina said as she joined us.

"Yeah, I saw him leave about half an hour ago," Fabian said.

"Okay. Let's do this then. Sibuna," my sister said.


I stood next to everyone and shifted nervously as the beam of light washed over us at least it should work though. But I blinked and saw nothing but black as I suddenly realized I couldn't see.

"What happened? Why didn't her necklace protect her?" I heard my sister exclaim.

"I can't see, guys! I can't see!" I cried out as I felt someone grab my hand. I assumed it was my sister.

"Watch your step! Here, sit," I heard Fabian say.

"It's horrible, isn't it? Totally blind. Bat blind.
Three blind mice blind," Amber said.

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