House of Hazard

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Layla's POV

"Good morning, Patricia. Good morning, Layla," Rufus said as he walked into the barn or whatever this building was where he had kept us all night.


Nina's POV

"Where do you think Patricia and Layla are?" I asked Fabian and Amber. I couldn't get rid of the pit in my stomach. I had always considered it my duty to look out for my sister but even more so ever since Sarah had started mentioning the need for her to be protected. And now she was nowhere to be found! I couldn't help but feel like I had failed her somehow. I had to remind myself it was too early to start worrying yet.

"Hopefully with Joy and not Rufus," Fabian told me.

"I thought Rufus was a good guy. It's impossible to keep track. We need a newsletter," Amber commented.

"I hope they're okay," I said softly.


Layla's POV

"Did you sleep okay?" Rufus asked. I refused to answer.

"What are you doing, get off me? Hey, that's vintage!" Patricia cried out as he suddenly bent down and grabbed at one of the color streaks in her hair and then reached out for me and removed the friendship band Nina had made me when we were ten.

"What do you want from us," I demanded to know.

"Nothing at all. Just sit tight and enjoy a little "me time", he replied.

"The police will be swarming the country side by now! They'll put you away for years!" Patricia told him, trying to sound more confident than I could tell she was feeling. "And don't lock us in again and get us something to eat. Did you hear me?" She shouted as Rufus left.

"Hey don't worry Patricia, someone will find your ring and my bracelet at some point. Right?" I said nervously.


Nina's POV

"Here we go," Fabian commented as Victor walked into the room.

"Sit down," he demanded, though most of us were already seated at the breakfast table.

"Is this about the play?" Fabian asked.

"Do you think I'm here to give you a review? Your juvenile fantasies are of no concern to me what so ever. I am here because a serious theft has taken place. Items of great value were removed from my safe last night. Are you responsible?" He asked bending down to look at Fabian.

"No," he replied. He turned to me.


Before I could respond, Fabian spoke up.

"Why do you think it was any of us? The school was full of people last night. When were they taken?"

"Well, they were there during the intermission.
The only other time I was away from my room was during the second half of your irritating little play," Victor replied.

"There you go. We were all on stage," Fabian stated.

"Yeah, it couldn't of been any of us. We were performing. The show must go on and all of that," Amber spoke up.

"Of course. Of course. How very, very remiss of me. Very well, off to school all of you, go!" He said.

"Is that it then?" Fabian asked.

"For now, yes. But I shall discover who took those items. You mark my words," Victor said as we all stood up and gathered our things. "And when I do," he added.

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