House of Who

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Layla's POV

"He's not a judge. He's a criminal," Jerome said. What?!

"Surprise," Poppy's voice called out from the other side of the door.

"Don't say anything to her, Layla, please!" Jerome said as he hurriedly his the letter. "Yeah. Come in," he said.

"I'll leave you two to discuss whatever," I said quickly before dashing out.

I rand out of the house and accidentally crashed into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I told him as I helped him to his feet.

"You're American!" He said happily.

"Oh! Um yeah! Both my sister and I are, anyways I'm really sorry about that!" I called out as I continued running to the school to catch up with my sister. Wonder who the new blonde guy was?

I found them in Mrs. Andrews classroom looking around.

"We just need that one last book to complete the pattern," Fabian was saying.

"You think Andrews took that and left it lying around her custome here for two years," I said.

"Ya, right," Amber added. "Why don't we search her bag as well." Just then the door opened and Mrs. Andrews walked in.

"Oh, very keen, aren't we," she said.

"Found it. Nina says it's a real page turner," Amber said as she picked up a book.

"Yes. That's a dictionary, Amber," Mrs. Andrews said.

"Yes, yes, it is. I've been wanting to read it for ages," Amber stated.

"If this is a ruse to get you out of that detention I gave you yesterday, forget it," Mrs. Andrews declared.

"No. Actually, Mrs. Andrews, this is about the Frobisher Library. A very important book has gone missing apparently and we thought you'd be able to make an announcement about it in class," Fabian said.

"Oh, I could do that but nobody has borrowed a book from there in years. It's been closed up since," she paused.

"What is it?" Fabian asked.

"Eh, nothing. But I think I know where that book might be, leave it with me," Mrs. Andrews said.

"Now all we have to do is wait for her to return it," Fabian whispered.

"Great. I love waiting. Favorite thing," Nina replied as other students started filing in.


"Hey, Mrs. Andrews is back from lunch and headed this way," Nina said as she joined Amber and I on the bench.

"Does she have the book with her?" I asked excitedly.

"Not sure," she said. "Where is Fabian?" she asked. Uh oh, but before I could tell her myself Amber did.

"They asked him stay behind and tutor Joy or something," she told her.

"He's Joy's study buddy now?" She said, clearly upset.

"Oops," Amber said.

"I was going to break it to you, gently," I said as I patted her back.

"Mrs. Andrews, quick, hide!" Amber exclaimed. "Do you see it?"

"Hopefully it's in her bag," I commented.

"Okay. Time for operation DA Bed," my sister said.

"DA Bed, is that like a code? I like it, very CIA chic," Amber stated.

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