Chapter 8

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Will hadn't heard from Mike in about a week. He assumed he was mad at him for something. Or maybe their friendship had just become to inconvenient again. Like it always did. He was honestly pissed. Eleven had been acting strange also. He couldn't figure why though. She was lashing out, yelling at Joyce and blowing up on Hopper. He was worried about her.

"Will!! Lucas is here!!" Joyce yelled.

Wills eyes widened, Lucas? Why was he here? Will stood up walking in the living room to see Lucas standing there. "Hey will." Lucas said, smiling. "Hey what's up!" Will said. "It's mike." Lucas said, his smile quickly spoiling to a frown. Will was confused, "what's wrong?" He asked. "I don't know. His mom called. Apparently he won't eat, shower, or do anything. Hasn't said a word to anyone. Dustin's gonna meet us there to try and get him up." Lucas said. Will felt his stomach drop into a dark pit. He was worried, so worried. "You gonna come?" Lucas said, raising a brow and adjusting his hat.

"Of course. Let me just get my shoes."


Will and Lucas biked into Mikes driveway. Will jumped off his bike immediately letting it hit the ground carelessly. Lucas on the other hand put the kickstand down. They spotted Dustin's bike in the driveway, signaling that he was here already.

They walked inside to see Dustin sitting at the island in the kitchen. Mrs Wheeler was across from him. She turned, "oh hello boys!! I'm glad you're all here. Thank you for coming." She said, smiling. "Of course." Lucas said with a small smile. "Well I must warn you. It's, bad. Just be ready for a mess." She said, "he's up in his room." She pointed to the stairs. The boys all looked at each other, immediately nodding.

They walked up the stairs daringly, not knowing what to expect. They turned down the hall and within seconds were all standing in front of Mikes door. They all looked at each other. "Shit man." Lucas whispered, reaching for the doorknob. He turned it and the door opened slowly with a creak that made them all cringe. Their eyes were met with a floor covered in piles of clothes, papers scattered everywhere, cups all around. Then they spotted Mike. He was turned towards the wall. He seemed dead. The only sign of life was his heaving back.

Lucas stepped forward, stepping on and over piles. The others followed wearingly. Will was shocked, his eyes were dry and he felt like crying. But he kept his composure. Lucas grabbed Mikes shoulder, shaking him. "Mike?" He didn't move. "Mike we're here buddy." Dustin said. Mike still didn't move. Will stepped forward, Lucas and Dustin getting out of the way to let him try. He bent down, "Mike?" He whispered, trying to be gentle. Mike didn't turn, he just reached over and grabbed Wills arm pulling him down to sit on the bed. He didn't let go of his arm.


He shook his head no. Will tilted his head, implicating for the others to leave. They just nodded understandably, closing the door of their way out. "Mike what's going on?" Will said. Mike sat up a little, grabbing Will and pulling him beside him. They were now lying side by side on the bed, mikes eyes were closed. "I'm sorry." He croaked out. "Mike let me help you. I know it's hard but, you've gotta get up." Will said, his heart beating a mile a minute.

Mike breathed in heavily. "Please don't leave." He said, his voice dry and cracked. He sounded broken. "I'm not gonna leave you." Will said, finally getting the confidence to look at him. They locked eyes. Mikes were teary and bloodshot. Wills filled with pity. Will put a hand on mikes arm. "Let's clean you up okay. Get you some food?" Will said softly, smiling at him a little bit. Mike nodded.

Will had to help mike up, in fact he had to hold his hand all the way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Lucas, Dustin, and Karen were all in there. They just stared, completely shocked that Mike was up. Will pulled out a chair, helping him sit down. Mike laid his head down on the table. Will walked towards them. "He's agreed to eat." He said. "Thank you." Karen said, "thank you all." They just nodded.

She began reheating some food for Mike. Will walked up to the table, he bent down, trying to look at him. "Hey don't go to sleep now." He said, rubbing his back. Mike put his arms under his head, using them as a pillow. "I'm not sleeping.." he said raspy. "Want some water?" Will asked. Mike nodded. Will walked back into the kitchen to get the water. Lucas and Dustin didn't know what to say. What was one supposed to say in this situation? They sat at the table across from him.

"We're always here man." Lucas said. "Yeah." Dustin added. Mike looked up at them, his eyes red. "I know." He said. "Thank you." He whispered out tiredly. They smiled, it was true, they were always there for him. Will walked in and sat the glass down on the table. "Here." He said quietly, pulling a chair out and sitting down in it. Karen walked in and placed a plate of food down. Pork chops, peas, and macaroni. She put a fork down. Mike grabbed the fork and stared at the plate. He turned and looked at Will who nodded and smiled. Mike took a forkful of peas, chewing them to a paste and swallowing. They went down rough on his dry throat causing him to immediately cough. He grabbed to glass of water guzzling it.

Everyone looked at him in concern. "I'm okay. I'm good." He said, laughing a little.


OMG THATS ALL YALL GET IM SORRY. Dude it's 4am I have high school 😭

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