|14| Was I best boyfriend you ever had?

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It's been a year since I decided to go with Hunter to the boiling Isles.

But right now, I kind of wish we had never come here in the first place.

"Y/N, do you have any idea how you got here?" I glared at Belos.

"I came through the door with Hunter, and my friends!"

Belos chuckled as Hunter looked away with slight guilt.

"So I see. Do you plan on going home?"

I nodded. "Well yeah, once I figure out how to get home."

He laughed at me yet again.

"Now, who told you it was possible to get back home?"

My eyes widened.

"Well... Luz did... she did it after all..."

"Y/N don't listen to him!" Hunter yelled, but Belos slapped him.

"Shut it Hunter!"

He did as he was told. I wanted to do something, ANYTHING to help, but I couldn't.

"What do you mean..?"

I felt my voice break.

"Think Y/N. Why do you think everyone here is so miserable? Hm?"

"Y/N we need to get out of here!"

"No! I'm not leaving Hunter! You all died once, I can't let it happen again!"

I felt tears sting my eyes as I made my way through the smoky house to try and find Hunter. He went after his uncle Belos.

"No...no...no! You're lying! I'm not dead! I...I can't be... I can't be dead, I mean through the door...didn't I..?"

Hunter looked away and he looked as if he had betrayed me in the worst way possible.

"But... if you were dead before... how were you alive in the human world..?"

Belos smirked.

"We were revived."

"No...Hunter... why didn't you tell me..?"

He turned away from me. And fixes his mask.

That was it.

"Hunter! What the fuck!? You said you love me! And now you can't even look at me!? I left everything because I love you! And now you're going back to this bastard that fucked everything up for you!?"

I felt the tears spill down my cheeks.

"Whatever. I guess I love you was a lie."

I turned away and started walking away. I was done. I didn't care if I was stabbed, shot at, or anything. I'm already dead, so what's it gonna do?

I held his hands close to mine and rested my head on his chest.

"I love you...Y/N..." Hunter whispered as he laid on the floor of his bedroom, curled up and hugging the hoodie Y/N had given him.

"I love you Hunter...." Y/N had whispered, crying while he curled up in a ball, burying his face into the hoodie his former boyfriend gave him.

They didn't want to leave each other. But, unfortunately the world wasn't on their side.

Maybe, if they had met before the accident. Maybe, just maybe, they could have been together.

Hunter still stays up, to listen to Y/N sing, of course Y/N doesn't know. But he's sure he's there, listening to him sing and play Mr. Brightside, and other songs. But his favorite song that he'd listen to Y/N play was Merry Go Round Of Life, from Howls Moving Castle.

And every so often, on the 19th of September, you can sometimes find one of the two on a cliff, over the ocean, playing their part of the duet, though Y/N had to make due with a small portable piano, and Hunter a cheap violin that's barely holding together.

It sounds unnatural,

But it's their sound of falling in love

They still love eachother, but...

They can't be together, if they did, well, Belos would kill one of them.

And Y/n couldn't handle his love being murdered infront of him,

And Hunter couldn't stand watching his Y/N being slaughtered.

So they separated. It was for the best.

But every night, they still mumble "I love you" under their breath before they go to sleep, hoping that they'd wake up next to eachother.

Mr. Brightside ||Golden guard x Male reader||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt