|2| I don't owe you anything! But I'll give you everything.

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I sighed as I looked at my clock. 2:09 AM. I always woke up around 2 o'clock everyday, it's the first time I wake up. I normally fall asleep around 1 AM so its about an hour then I start waking up atleast every hour. I decided to be productive and went downstairs and got a coffee then I went into the shed outside. Though it was more of a small side house than a shed, my parents built it for when I just physically couldn't sleep. I go in there and play one of my instruments when I just can't sleep.

I set my coffee on top of the piano and sat down, pulling out the sheet music and practicing. I sipped my coffee and played, eventually I switched to my guitar and played the song that my friends said suited me, I know why. At first it started with bullies, but then my friends turned it into more of a happy thing.

"Coming out of my cage I've been doing just fine!

I didn't notice the person outside listening to me play, I was too into the song.

"Gotta, gotta be down cause I want it all."

I took a deep breath before continuing.

"It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss. It was only a kiss!"

"Hey Y/N!" My boyfriend Edric walked up to me and kissed my forehead. I smiled and kissed his cheek while Amity made a fake gagging noise.

"Now I'm falling asleep, and he's calling a cab, while they're having a smoke. And he's taking a drag."

He walked me to class while holding my hand. We were planning our date on Friday.

"Now they're going to bed...and my stomach is sick. And it's all in my head but he's touching their.."

"Hey..Y/N." I looked up at him. "What's wrong love?" He looked at me with a sorry look in his eyes. "I'm sorry but I can't make it to our date tomorrow." I felt the tears in my eyes, but I didn't let him know I was on the verge of tears.

After all, it wasn't the first time he ditched me for them.

"Chest now. He takes off their shirt now! Letting me go..and I just can't look at killing me! Taking control..."

"No, no don't worry Edric, it's fine!" I smiled at him and he hugged me. "I'm still sorry I had to cancel." I sighed and tried not to let the tears fall.

"I know."

"Jealousy, turning saints into the sea, swimming through sick lullabies."

"Hey..why did you have to cancel again this week?" Edric fidgeted with his sleeves. "O-oh I ha-had to help my mom again this week!"

But Amity told me that their mom was away on a business trip for two weeks.

"Choking on your alibis. But it's just the price I pay!"

I could now feel the tears welling up in my eyes as the memories flooded me.

"Open up my eager eyes, cause I'm Mr. Brightside!"


'Huh, so that's where his nickname comes from, interesting.'

As much as I wanted to listen to the rest of the song I had to leave before he could I realize that I was listening.

I quickly went back to my house and went back up to my room before emporer Belos had noticed I was gone. I sat on my bed and Flapjack flew in through my window and looked at me while he landed on my bed. "Boy the human world is strange." I sighed and rubbed my eyes then dragged my hands down my face while groaning. "I really should go to sleep.." I sighed and put on a sleep shirt and pajama pants, then laid down and rolled around until i found a comfortable spot and tried to go to sleep.


My alarm went off, telling me to wake up. I sighed. 'Well I'm not gonna preform as well today, greaaaat.' I went inside and set my coffee cup on the counter next to the sink, I then ran upstairs to take a shower and change for school.

I waited outside Gus's house as usual and he came outside with his normal smile. "Hey Mr. Brightside!" I laughed. "Hey Agustus!" He giggled in response before he pointed out my eye bags. "Didn't sleep again?" I looked both ways as we crossed the street. "Yeah, night terrors are getting bad again, on top of my insomnia." He gave me an apologetic smile. "Wanna talk about them?" I nodded. "Yea please." He smiled at me and set his hand on my shoulder. "So what's up?" "I had one about...Edric." His entire mood changed from happy but worried to completely worried and pissed. "Oh..I'm so sorry Y/N." I sniffled. "No, no. I mean sometimes I still think I deserved it.." I smiled sadly as I looked at the ground. He hugged me. "Hey, you didn't deserve that Y/N! No one deserves that pain! He was just selfish! You're better than him!" I laughed, not because it was funny, but because I didn't want to cry over him again and well, I knew he was right. "Let's just head to school, and how about you tell me about that boy you're date is with." He smiled and started talking about this guy named 'Matt'.


I sat down at the piano as the entire class hushed to listen to me and Hunter rehearse out duet. I looked at him and whispered. "1, 2, 3, 4." On the count of four I started playing as he readied to start once he had to. The entire class watched us with starry eyes. Even Mr. Mansfield was greatly impressed by our playing. Yes, we made mistakes since it was only Tue second day. But according to everyone we were "Music prodigy's."

Once we ended everyone clapped and cheered. I smiled and turned slightly pink from the praise and cheers.

My God was the praise addicting.

" Y/N, Hunter you both did amazing! But around measure 9 you both sped up. What I reccomend is that you practice together out of school." We nodded and everyone started practicing for the upcoming concert.

"Y/N." I looked up at the perosn that said my name. I was packing up since the bell rang. "Oh, hey Hunter. What's up?" He looked just as blank as always. "If you're alright with it would you like to practice together after school today?" "Oh yeah sure! I have a piano at my house, heres my number and address." I tore a piece of paper out of my math notebook and scribbled down my number and address. "See ya tonight around 3:00!" I said and waved as I walked out to meet Luz, Willow, and Gus.

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