- Not So Lonely Rehearsals -

Start from the beginning

"I'm not sure what's worse, bribery or nepotism." Oz jokes and immediately regretted it when Milo stopped laughing and stared at him, only to have them steal the script out of his hands.

"I made the right choice asking you to practice with me, darling. But at this rate we'll only read the first line by the time rehearsal ends. So let's get to work, shall we?" Milo asks and Oz nods out of shock.

He didn't offend Milo! At least he thinks he didn't, their reaction was a bit vague. However the more they practiced together over lines, it was clear that if Milo was offended they weren't holding any grudges. Oz felt as though he gained +2 BOLDNESS from the experience.

Oz started to feel a lot more comfortable around the grim reaper as they practiced memorizing the lines, reading them out in silly voices when it started to get too repetitive. In fact, Oz started to like the character he was reading for.

The character was a sarcastic prince that couldn't help but be a bit clueless towards the dangers around him, causing him to save Rapunzel without knowing he was putting himself and the princess in mortal danger. Yet he was always able to fix his mistakes at the end of the day.

"My dear Rapunzel," Oz reads out while pacing around the hallway, acting out the scene as though on stage. "I couldn't help but notice that ever since I rescued you from your tower, we have been chased, injured, shot at, and even stabbed!"

Milo let out a soft laugh at Oz's antic's before responding with the corresponding line. "I warned you the moment I got dragged out of my tower that this would happen! Don't act so surprised, you probably deserved to be stabbed."

Oz gasped while putting a hand to his chest before saying the next line flawlessly without a script, "First off, being stabbed was the second most painful thing I've experienced, and I most certainly didn't deserve that. Second off, you were speaking in very vague terms in the tower!"

The reaper couldn't help but break character and burst out laughing at Oz's betrayal of the clueless prince, which in turn made Oz laugh along. The two were just laughing in the hallway, and it felt as though time stopped and they were the only one's in the world at that moment; despite the loud noise coming from the auditorium near them.

"Oh that's amazing," Milo says while wiping away a tear they formed while in their laughing fit. "You should audition for the role, you're absolutely brilliant at it!" Milo shares and Oz immediately goes quiet, a stark contrast from the two's previous laughter.

"I don't think I could," Oz says while sitting down on the unkept floor of the hallway and Milo joins him after throwing down a jacket to sit on.

"Why not? You're one of the better actors in this school, not to mention you pick up on lines really fast, you'd make a pretty good lead." They say, trying to convince the fearful boy to take up the part.

"I have really bad stage fright," Oz confesses and Milo lets out a small "Oh." At the simple confession. They never knew what to do whenever someone told them about struggling with stage fright, because luckily they never had to deal with it. So, that caused them to fall silent.

The only sounds heard in the hallway were the two's breathing and the construction happening on stage. The world resumed movement and the two blended in with everyone else that had a beating heart and standard lives.

"Maybe you could try out for being an understudy?" Milo recommends and Oz perks up. "That's... actually not that bad of an idea." Oz states and Milo smiles while standing up and reaches out a hand for Oz.

"Yeah, it'll be perfect," Milo says while helping up Oz from the floor. "You still get to practice as the character, but don't have to perform and deal with all the stress. Plus we could give each other notes on our characters and such."

"I can't believe it," Oz says. "You, Milo Belladonna, want me to help them improve their performance."

"There's nothing to improve, Sweetheart. Don't get too full of yourself, you just make me look better in comparison." Milo jokes in their signature way that makes Oz question if they're actually joking or not.

Right before Oz was about to fight back with his own retort, the bell rang. The two went silent as the bell shouted through the halls, signaling the rehearsals were over. So Milo and Oz went back to the auditorium to grab their stuff and say their goodbyes to each other.

When Oz met back up with the color crew they were teasing him over running away with a popular kid, which Oz just rolled his eyes at. He was far too used to his friends' antics when it came to romance, especially when it came to Vicky and Amira. Vicky has practically been begging all of them to get prom dates ever since senior year started.

Oz always avoided the question, not wanting to stress about rejections and trying to impress his peers only for one night of fun. However, Oz was tempted by the idea of having a prom date to spend the night with; and whether he realized it or not, he already had his eyes on a certain theater kid.

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