Some questions and some answers

Start from the beginning

Sheaf forcefully shook himself out of his thoughts and asked a question that had been on the back of his mind since the day before. 'Agent X. We were going to move on to the tougher topics and discuss the VX and all, right?'

'Yup, that's right,' X replied, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. 'I was gonna tell you guys that we already have a good idea of what Shell has been planning for a long time. There are a few key elements remaining, but hopefully, we can work out the remaining creases in the plan as well.'

Sheaf and Hacker nodded vigorously and leaned forward in their seats, both hands tightly clasped over their knees.

'I had done a lot of research on SHADE before coming and working here, and apparently, SHADE has been around for a really long time. They've attempted many attacks on countries and tried to rob the government and stuff.

But the plan that's been hatching now seems like the most outrageous one of them all. I'm not sure whether Shell made it or if has been passed down through the leaders, but it's pretty intense and catastrophic if it succeeds.'

'Dude, get on with the plan already. I'm jumping out of my seat enough as it is!' Sheaf intersected in between. X nodded and sped things up a bit.

'So, this time SHADE seems to be aiming at world domination.' He revealed with a disgruntled expression.

Sheaf and Hacker looked shocked, but to an extent, they already expected something like this to come out of X's mouth. After all, how many people have tried their hand at ruling the world through unfair means, only to be thwarted by the good guys?

'The exact specifics are what will help us defeat SHADE once and for all,' X admitted and cleared his throat and began his story.

'As I said, SHADE wants to dominate the entire world. In today's connected world, the only way to actually do that is to gain control of the world's leaders, that is, all the Prime Ministers and Presidents of the powerful countries.

And the only way to do that is to add a huge stake into the equation. Unfortunately, the path SHADE has chosen is to put all the citizens of the world in their path of destruction. These millions of innocents will be the casualties of VX if the world's leaders refuse to comply with SHADE.'

Now Sheaf and Hacker looked terrified. The world's leaders were one thing, but millions and billions of lives at stake were another thing altogether.

'But how are they planning to attack so many people across the world with such a tiny quantity of VX?' Hacker asked with her brows furrowed. It didn't seem practical or possible to transport and equip so many countries with the VX. Unless...

'Oh no, that amount of VX is far from tiny. It seems less when it's in a liquid form, but in a gaseous state, it can spread like crazy. And besides, this isn't the only quantity of VX they have. SHADE has been collecting VX from various sources for a long time. This batch was just the icing on the cake. Meaning, even if they didn't have it, it wouldn't make a difference to their plans.' X clarified. 'And speaking of plans, I still need to tell you what their plans are.

So, here goes. The best way for them to go about all their plans is to have a proper method of deploying the weapon, so the threat to lives would be real and serious. For this, they have taken the help of Earth's atmosphere to spread the VX.

Now, as I've said, the VX spreads like crazy when it's in gaseous form. This means it could be taken to a point high in the atmosphere and released from strategic points, so it would spread through Earth's atmosphere and affect everyone. On top of all that, VX dissolves really slowly, so it's difficult to get out of the atmosphere as well.' X said with a deep breath.

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