Abohaty's P.O.V

I had gotten on Nom Nom's nerves so badly that she didn't even mind me going out. It's about time, to be honest. The older I got, the less time I got to spend with my friends. As much as I wanted to see Glitz, I'm not going to because we see each other every day and he's on vacation right now. Which means he should be away from me. So I decided I was gonna visit my friends I haven't seen in almost a year. One of them, Bookworm, texted me they all traveled to Ponyville to see Twilight and her. Bookworm is Twilight's daughter. The only pony who lives in Ponyville with Bookworm is Kelsey. Pinkie's daughter. Written Script. Celia and Bella lived in Springfields with me. Kat is the only one who lives in Canterlot. But currently, they're all in Ponyville. I decided to visit Written Script first because Bookworm told me she was still home.

I knocked on her door. It took a while for an answer. Written Script opened the door panting.

"Uh...you good girlie?" She pulled me right inside and slammed the door shut. "So why aren't you with the others right now?" I asked looking around noticing how her writing station was completely set up meaning she's probably not leaving anytime soon.

"Abohaty!! Hi!! Um-" she was out of breath. Like really out of breath.

"Woah girl, slow down..."

"IjustsawGabe." I raised an eyebrow.


"GABE WALKED BY WITH GLITZ AND GRAMMAR EATING ICE CREAM." Glitz is suddenly here at the same time that I'm here? That's cool too.

Written Script has had a massive crush on Gabe for years and never grew the balls to ask him out. Everypony knows Written Script's little crush because she made it so obvious. I think they'd be cute if being honest. She just needs to talk to him and not be some creep who stalks and watches him all of the time.

"Yeah, know. You should ask him out sometime. I'm sure he'll say yes. Gabe is nice from all I know," I advised.

"I know, but...it's so...hard."

"I understand, trust me. But you gotta be brave," I said patting her on the back. "Was that just now you saw him?"

"Yeah...out the window."

"Let's go say hi!!" I suggested. Written Script's eyes widened.

"No thanks."

I teleported the both of us outside. Written Script sighed in defeat.

"So which way did they go?" I asked. She shrugged. We both flew in the air. It didn't take long for us to hear Grammar yelling our names.

"HI PRINCESS ABOHATY!! HI WRITTEN SCRIPT!!" he yelled. Glitz and Gabe slowly turned around confused, looked up, and waved.

I waved back with the same energy. Written Script looked embarrassed.

"Smile and wave...just smile and wave..." she said through her teeth. I took her hoof and dragged her down with me then landed on all four hooves right in front of the three stallions.

"You didn't tell me you weren't busy and decided to come to Ponyville," Glitz said directly at me.

"Well surprise, I'm here!!" I squealed. He smiled.

"Yo Written Script, are you okay?! You haven't said a word since you landed and you look petrified." Grammar pointed out. I laughed a little. This is why I loved Grammar. He was always so honest and blunt. Although it mainly seems like he plays video games on a daily, he's still brutally honest. Written Script shook herself back into her senses.

"Yeah, I-I'm okay. I'm fine. it's just...I didn't expect to be pulled out of the house and dragged outside after Abohaty's unexpected arrival." she said, staring at me in agony.

"I'm mean, this is Princess Abohaty we're talking about," Gabe replied. "She's always like that. Nothing new."

"Anyways, where are you guys going next? We got nothing to do so..." Glitz queried.

"See, Written Script's lazy self doesn't want to go anywhere. I wanted to see my other friends I haven't seen in a while because I heard they were here." Glitz looked at his friends.

"Y'all in for that?" he asked.

"Yeah!!" Grammar chimed in.

"Mmm," responded Gabe.

*      *      *

"It's a delight to see you all here today!!" Twilight said carrying ten filled tea cups with her magic and placing them on the table for us to drink.

"Thank you, mom!!" Bookworm said looking up from her book.

"Anytime." Twilight glanced over at me. "Hi, Princess Abohaty...long time no see." She walked over to me. "How's everything going?" she questioned.

"Everything is...fine."

"Unexpected visit again?" I nodded my head. I didn't appreciate her sarcastic tone. She then smiled and walked away into another room. I looked over at Glitz next to me.

"Talking to other princesses is weird," I told him.

"I mean, it's good for you!" he responded.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." I muttered stirring my tea.

"You...okay?" he asked. My ears perked up and I smiled at him.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" He gave me an uncertain look but seemed convinced enough that I was okay.

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