꒷꒦𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐

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"I'M really, really, really sorry if I offended you in any way, sir. I have no idea what came over me."  Jun bowed before the tall stranger, a sign that he truly was sorry for his odd comment from just a moment earlier.

"It's quite alright. Many other people have been taken aback by their odd color as well." The stranger then dipped his head towards Jun, a soft smile upon his lips. "Until we meet again. I believe You'll be seeing me here more often."

But before the stranger could finally exit the pub, Jun had stopped him in his tracks once again, extending his hand out in a desperate manner. "Wait, sir! Can I at least treat you to lunch tomorrow?" 

Muzan's lips curled into a grin.


Asahi cocked an eyebrow at the tall man before him, eyeing his white fedora curiously. "And who are you, exactly?" 

"Asahi!" Jun hissed from beside him, elbowing his brother on the side gently. "This is... Muzan. I'm treating him to lunch to make up for something rude I did yesterday."

"Oh. What did you do? Slap that goofy fedora off of his head?" Asahi narrowed his eyes at Muzan and frowned deeply. 

If there weren't so many people around this neighborhood Muzan would have torn this boy to shreds already. The demon lord could practically feel the veins at the back of his neck popping out from his irritation. 

As if the smaller boy could sense Muzan's growing annoyance, Jun immediately slapped the back of his brother's head, earning a childish whine in response. "How about I slap your goofy face off of your head?" The shorter male let out a low sigh before continuing, "You either show some respect to our guest, or you go to your room."

Jun wasn't surprised when Asahi had chosen the second option.

The smaller male let out an awkward chuckle as he turned back to face Muzan. "Sorry about that. Younger brothers can be a handful..."

"I heard that!"

Jun ignored him. "Um, what would you like to eat? Other than bartending, I'm actually decent at cooking..."

"I was actually thinking," Muzan flashed a soft smile, forcing Jun's chest to clench. Out of what? Envy of Muzan's incredibly good looks?  "We could eat somewhere outside."

"Oh, sure." 


"When you meant "outside" I thought you meant somewhere small and... less busy." Jun bit his lip in shame. He didn't expect Muzan to be this rich— rich enough to take them to the most expensive restaurant in the whole area. 

Jun frowned down at his clothes after he had scanned the whole room. If he had known they would go and eat in such a glamorous place, he would've dressed better for the occasion— Jun practically looked like a caveman.

Muzan glanced up from his menu to look at Jun. "What, is it not to your liking?"

The shorter male quickly shook his head towards the handsome male sitting across from him, "Oh, no, no, no. It's a really nice place, it's just that..." Jun trailed off. "I don't think I'll be able to pay for all of this."

Muzan chuckled in response. "It's alright Jun, I'll be paying for everything. So order whatever you'd like."

Jun blinked, glancing towards the appetizers on the table, then back down at his hands. "Oh, thank you... But I'm not going to be ordering anything."

"Why not?" Muzan quirked his brow, slowly becoming irritated once again.The one time I show false kindness to a human, and they don't even want it. What a waste of my time.

"I just think it would be a waste to cook something so... amazing—  for someone like me, who won't even be able to taste it. Especially when they can take that time to cook a meal for someone who is more blessed with their sense of taste than I am."

Muzan was taken aback at the boy's thoughtful explanation. He had nearly forgotten about Jun's disability, and quickly became lost in thought. Perhaps... I could turn him into a demon— to restore his sense of taste...

But then Muzan remembered the main reason why he had even came to this city in the first place. He came here to find Jun— to find him and his brother and devour them whole. Muzan wanted to sink his teeth into Jun's flesh and intake the image of the smaller boy writhing beneath him, tears flooding from his eyes. 

Muzan wanted to hear Jun's desperate cries for mercy as he—

Muzan paused, realizing his claws had extended out— clawing at the underside of the table violently. His breathing had suddenly become erratic— and when he lifted his head to make eye contact with a concerned Jun—

He felt an undeniable heat pulse through his body for the first time in centuries.

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