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    JUN woke with a start— letting out a startled yelp when he rolled straight out of his bed and right onto the wooden floor. He let out a groan from the sudden impact, taking a moment to recollect himself. 

Red eyes.



A mellow voice speaking to him from the dark.

Jun slowly lifted a hand up to his forehead and pushed his hair back between his slender fingers. A low sigh followed his actions soon after. 

Jun never truly believed his mother when she had told him that "all dreams have a meaning". He was prrrrretty sure that one weird dream about him getting a pet pig with wings and naming it Mr. Dickle spit had no special meaning whatsoever. Although that would most certainly be an interesting sight...

The brunette shook his head furiously before glancing out the window to check the time of day. He couldn't allow himself to get distracted with such irrational thoughts— especially when I'm fucking LATE FOR WORK!

Jun scrambled up from his spot on the wooden floor and ran towards his drawers. He wasted no time to snatch a change of clothes and practically stumble all the way back across the room as he struggled to climb into them. 

When did it get so dark outside?!? Jun could have sworn he only slept for about an hour. "Oh, god I hope they don't fire me."

"...Jun? What are you still doing here?" The shorter male frowned at his younger brother, who was now peeking though the doorway of his room. Jun eventually managed to slip both of his legs into his pants and quickly whisked past this brother and through the hall.

"I slept in again! Why didn't you wake me up!"

"Hey, don't go blaming me for all this. I thought you had left for work early like the good employee you are." Asahi lifted his hands to emphasize "good" and raised an eyebrow at his older brother.

"At least I have a job, Asahi! Unlike you." Jun shot back. He quickly slipped his shoes on and yanked the front door wide open. "And I am a good employee— I'm the best bartender in that place!" 

Asahi stood in the middle of the hallway, baffled, when Jun slammed the door shut behind him. 

He immediately regretted making his elder brother mad.


Jun let out an angered huff as he rested his elbows against the bar table. 

They didn't fire him for being late, thankfully. That should have made Jun in a much happier mood, but sometimes his brother's sarcastic, teenage mouth really annoyed him. 

He shook his head softly, tilting his head up when a new customer entered the pub and sat in the bar stool directly in front of Him. The shorter male couldn't get a very good look at the tall stranger since the white fedora on his head covered most of his face. Not to mention he was looking down at his lap, and not at up at Jun.

Jun cleared his throat, deciding to ignore their strange behavior. "Hey there! What can I get for you today, sir?" Jun forced a smile out and put on his cheery tone of voice as usual. He didn't want his brothers small action to get in the way of his work.

"I'll have your... strongest drink."

Jun blinked. He was immediately taken aback at the sound of his voice. What the hell? It's so... resonant. I bet there's hundreds of ladies lining up for this guy. Jun quickly turned towards the drinks and mentally whined. Man if only I had a deep voice like that, then maybe I'd have a girlfriend already.

Jun eventually finished mixing what he thought was the pub's "strongest drink", and slid it towards the stranger. "Here you go."

Jun watched the stranger take a sip from the bottle, still curious as to what he looks like.

"This... This isn't strong at all."

Jun immediately began to panic. The last thing he needed was a complaint from a customer after what just happened. "Oh— um, forgive me sir. Customers rarely ask for such a thing— and me of all people wouldn't know what the strongest drink on our menu is—!"

"Oh, really? Why is that?"

"I um, well—" Jun usually never shared this with anyone, but he didn't have much of a choice now, did he? He would do anything at this point to keep this customer from submitting a complaint. "I... lost my sense of taste. So, I wouldn't be able to tell how strong the drink is on your tongue. I'm very sorry if you aren't pleased with the service I have given."

The stranger finally lifted his head, making eye contact with the smaller male. Jun nearly choked on the air.

His eyes.

His eyes are red. 

"Don't worry, Even if it wasn't the strongest, I still got a drink didn't I?"

Jun's mouth acted on its own— he didn't even remember to reply to the stranger's sentence.

"Your— Your eyes—"


The smaller male immediately clamped his mouth shut. He felt his face flush with embarrassment. What is wrong with you— Why the hell would you say that out loud? 

The pale stranger quirked an eyebrow at him, as if he were awaiting Jun's answer.

"Oh! I'm sorry, It's nothing of importance." Jun cleared his throat, "Would you like another drink?"

Jun only received a chuckle in return.

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