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An hour or two after Jun came home after the fancy dinner WITHOUT Muzan 🙄


"JUN, I really, really don't like the vibe that guy is giving..."

"Not this nonsense again." Jun let out a groan of annoyance, "I thought we ended this conversation ages ago, Asahi."

The taller male crossed his arms and frowned, "That's what you decided, not me. At least hear my opinion on this." He whined.

Jun sighed in defeat before seating himself next to his brother and grabbing onto his hands gently. "Alright, alright. What is it about Muzan that is bothering you so much? Now is the time to vent to your dear old brother."

Asahi beamed before gripping onto Jun's hands and staring straight down into his soul.

"Ok. First of all, that goofy ahh fedora—"

Jun stood up and walked in the opposite direction without another word.

"Waiiittt— I'm sorry Jun! I'll be serious this time, I promise..."

HEEDLESS | Muzan K.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن