The new kid (Ranboo-centric)

Start from the beginning

"That's smart. Well you already know me, this is silly" she said pointing to the girl asleep in her lap "she arrived shortly after you were taken. Those two fighting are Tommy and Tubbo, I'm not sure you met them last time, they were staying with Wolfy at that time, and Wolfy is out looking for more orphans" she said leaning her head back against the wall, obviously tired from taking care of everyone. She and Wolfy were only 13 and taking care of nearly every escaped Orphan in town, they also made sure they were safe and healthy, of course she would be exhausted.

"Why don't I keep watch while you sleep, you look like you need it" Ranboo suggested
"Rude" she scoffed "but fine, wake me if anything happens"
"Will do boss" he did a little salute before turning around to introduce himself to Tommy and Tubbo.


A couple hours later, there wasn't a clock so Ranboo had no idea what time it was, but he guessed it was shortly after midday, Wolfy showed up, she had a kid around his age with a purple jumper and a basket of food with her. When she saw him she walked over "hey Ranboo, it's been awhile" her smile turned into a smirk "so, how did you escape this time?" That was another thing he liked about her, yes, she was responsible, but compared to Nadia she acted way more like a 13 year old with all her jokes, while Nadia could have easily been mistaken for a 25 year old, if it weren't for her hight.
"They left the window open, so I quickly threw everything in my bag, I asked if Micheal wanted to join, but he said no, so I jumped out and started running, but there was a care taker looking out the window and she saw me and she started chasing after me, but I lost her in the crowd"
Ranboo said
"Typical. They don't want you to escape, but then they leave doors and windows open! Just like him" she said pointing to the boy with the purple jumper "that's Purpled" she introduced him, before continuing "he just walked out the front door, no one even noticed he was gone, till yesterday evening" she laughed, to which they all smiled
"They really aren't the smartest" the boy, Purpled, laughed
"Anyway, where's Nadia?" Wolfy asked, still smiling
"She was exhausted so I told her to sleep while I keep watch" Ranboo said
"That's good, she hasn't slept properly for about a week, let's just hope that she does this time" Wolfy said, a worried tone in her voice "anyway, why don't you show Purpled around and explain everything to him, he's pretty new in the system and on the streets" she walked over to Tommy and Tubbo, giving them something out of the basket.

"So your Ranboo?" Purpled asked
"Hmm" Ranboo nodded
"So what should I know about the system and the streets?"
"Well I'd start with the system as that's were you started. It's pretty easy really. Usually you get fostered first, if the family likes you they adopt you, then there'll be a honeymoon period for about a week, depending on the family, where they're all really nice and kind to you. Then after the week they realise that they actually don't want you and they start blaming you for everything. Once about a month has passed they send you back with the reason that your a trouble maker and everything starts from beginning" Ranboo paused "any questions?"

Purpled processed what he had just been told, before speaking up "yea, how old are you?"
"9, any more?"
"How many homes have you been to and how long were you in the system?"
"I've been to about 5-6 homes and I've been in the system for about 2 and a half years, anything else?"
"Yea one more question, how many times have you escaped?"
"About 8 or 9. Should I tell you about the streets now, or later?"

"Okay, so the streets are quite easy I would say, as long as you follow the rules" Ranboo started "rule number 1, don't take anything that isn't yours. Number 2, don't start a fight, there's no point and you'll only get hurt. Number 3, stick to yourself, you don't want any unneeded attention. Number 4, don't go somewhere that you don't own, you can usually tell if an alley is owned by someone, we currently own two alleys, this one and another one on the other side of town, although this one is the main one as it's closer to everything, the other is more of a hiding spot incase this one is found or taken. Number 5,
Don't trust anyone, they aren't your friend, they're only acting like it to take advantage of you. Number 6, if you see a child our age, tell Nadia or Wolfy, don't talk to them or acknowledge them in any way. And lastly number 7, don't bring anyone into our alleys without Nadia or Wolfy allowing you, they take care of us and protect us, we follow their rules, respect and help them. If you were taken back into the system, but escape again, come here, it's safe, and if you've been here once your always welcome, unless Nadia or Wolfy kick you out, but they've only done that once" Ranboo finished and pointed over to a girl leaning against a wall asleep with another girls head in her lap "that's Nadia and the girl who brought you here is Wolfy. Any questions about the streets?"
"How do we get food?"
"Wolfy always gets food and she doesn't allow any of us to ever join her, so I'm not sure, I don't really care though, she keeps us alive and that's enough to thank her for"

Just then Wolfy walked over "you done explaining yet?"
"Yea just finished"
"Any of you hungry? There's some sandwiches" she asked holding a bag out in front of her
"No Im okay, I had a big breakfast" Ranboo said
"I'll have something, I haven't eaten since last night" Purpled said, taking a sandwich out of the bag.

"Well I hope you enjoy your time on the streets Purpled, Im going to go talk to Tommy and Tubbo a bit, bye" Ranboo said, walking away from the two, who had already started their own conversation.


It was a peaceful night, too peaceful for Nadias taste. She had been on the streets long enough to know that something was going to happen. This is why she insisted on keeping watch, with Wolfy, that night. No on knew why, but just accepted that they couldn't change her mind on this.

It stayed peaceful for most of the night, but around 3 am loud sirens filled the city. And they were headed directly towards their alley.

2005 Words

Well I hope you enjoy this chapter, again, make sure to check out the original, it is very different from this one.

Anyway have fun and make sure to always eat, sleep and drink enough.

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