The end of the day you sat by the teacher again and went home. Nothing felt real.

You laid in your room staring at the ceiling. You had nothing to do sense you know longer had Billy and Steve is working.

You got up out of bed after laying for a hour and threw on a cute outfit and went to scoops.

"Ahoy-" Steve said turning around after hearing the bells hanging on the door.

"Wow Steve as if the outfit wasn't enough." You laughed walking over to the counter.

"I don't want to talk about it. Anyways what brings you here?" He asked.

"I wanted some ice cream. Duh" you said pointing at the flavor your wanted.

"Are you sure it's not just because you wanted to come see me?"he joked and you laughed.

"You caught me at a good time tho I get done here in about 10 minutes if you want to go do something?" He asked scooping ice cream.

"Yeah where?" You asked.

"Anywhere." He said handing you your cone.

"Okay well I'll think of a place while you close. How much is this by the way?" You asked pulling out your wallet.

"Are you stupid or dumb? No way I'm letting you pay while I'm working." He said and you smiled.

You went over and sat at a booth while family's came in and out and soon thirty minutes passed the time Steve was supposed to be done.

"Wow do you guys always have that many people once closed." You asked as he came and sat across from you.

"That was nearly as many as Fridays!" He sighed.

"Alright well now it's kinda too late to go anywhere sense everything here in Hawkins closed.

"We could just go hangout in my car or something." Steve said through a rag over his shoulder.

"Okay yeah!" You said getting up and Steve wiped down the table and you guys walked to the back where his car was.

He opens your door and you got in and he quickly ran to his side to get in and turned the car on.

"So what's new with Billy?" Steve asked.

"Promise you won't judge me?" You asked turning the music down a bit.

"Promise." He said.

"I drove by his house last night, I wanted to talk things out with him let and him know that nothing happened between you and I that night. But before I could get out of my car Tammy came cruising in and I think they maybe even went on a date?" You sighed.

"Tammy?" Steve asked.

"Yeah..." You said looking out your window.

"(Y/n) tell me why in the world you would be worried about Tammy. I hate Billy but I know for a fact there's no way." Steve said laughing.

You shook your head.

"Plus Billy came and parked outside my house not even a hour after you left. This is my last time asking but where were you yesterday?" Steve sighed.

"Eddie Munsons." You said and Steve's jaw dropped.

"Eddie!? What are you guys like a item now too?" He said sitting up more.

"No! We just hung out, he's a lot cooler and nicer than I thought he would be." You said.

"Alright alright." Steve said tapping on the wheel.

You felt content. Being with Steve felt so nice. Especially now that your back to norm and your telling him secrets again and everything is going so good friendship wise.

A huge light followed by a loud boom. Rain poured down hard as you both watched.

"That was unexpected." Steve said and you laughed again.

"I guess we should probably get back before this storm gets worse." You said and Steve nodded.

"Here I'll drive you to your car." He said putting the car in reverse and driving to yours.

"Thank you so much! Hey do you actually want to come over?" You asked and he nodded.

"Yeah." He said smiling.

"Okay see you in a few!" You said quickly getting out of Steve's car and into yours. Somehow you still get drenched.

You drove home and pulled into your driveway. Steve went to his house first to change out of his uniform and quickly ran back to your house. You and Steve ran to your front door and you realized you didn't have your key on you and it was still in the car.

Thinking of how sense your already wet there's no point of trying to go quick.

"Let's dance in the rain!" You said as Steve stood.

"You want me Steve Harrington to dance in the rain?" He laughed.

"Yes come on!" You said running out into the yard. Steve then followed as you guys danced in the dark.

Steve's hand grabbed one of yours lifting it up for you to do a twirl and then you twirled out and as you came back in Steve's hands were on both sides of your cheeks.

Looking up at him confused. Not confused on what was about to happen but confused on how you feel about what is about to happen. You couldn't decide if this is something you wanted to do or not.

Maybe Baby (Billy Hargrove X Reader ) ( Steve Harrington X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now