Chapter Ten; Lady Elizabeth

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-Iris's pov-

It's been a couple of weeks since I was kidnapped and I've become a lot closer with Sebastian. Ciel as well he's like a little brother. Right now I was playing chess with him as Sebastian was watching. Him staring at me made me feel butterfly's.

As I was about to win the game the whole manor shook as we heard the main huge door slam open with a loud scream "CIEL~". I ignored the fact that there was a screaming girl coming closer to the office. All I cared about right now was the game and I was pissed. The movement shook the chess board which the pieces fell to the ground "This is so not fair!" I yelled. Ciel only paled hearing the girl come closer then BAM.

"Ciel my darling!" The young girl yelled and tackled him down with a hug. I raised an eyebrow and laughed. The girl looked at me and stared for a second "Ciel who is this pretty girl?" She mumbled. "This is Iris she is the queens niece the queen asked me to keep her here" He said I nodded "Oh my, I apologize for my actions-" I cut her off "No need it's alright" I said with a smile. "I'm Elizabeth Midforth" "Ah I see your Ciel's fiancé I assume?" I asked she nodded with a big smile.

"Well I'll leave you two be me and Sebastian have to do something in the gardens right?" I said as my eyes widened a bit motioning that I didn't want to be with the couple. Ciel tried to say something but Sebastian quickly understood "Ah yes I almost forgot I'll be back to check on you alright My lord and Lady Elizabeth." He said and walked out with me.

As soon as we were far enough I stopped "Thank you for going along with it" I said with a smile "My pleasure." He said with a smirk. His smirk sent shivers down my spine. I looked down trying to avoid eye contact. He pinned me to a walk and lifted my head up "What's wrong Hm?" He asked and leaned closer to my neck. "Nothing-" I cut myself off as I bit my lip as his lips came into contact with my neck kissing it. I couldn't help but moan.

He only smirked and soon went to my lips as he kissed them. I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck. Things started to escalate real quick and things became heated. He wrapped my legs around his waist and I tugged his hair. Our body's were close as ever. Luckily we didn't go further because we heard Ciel and Elisabeth looking for us. We let go of each other. But still looking into each other's eyes and he leaned into my ear "We're not done." He said seductively.

We only smirked at each other and quickly fixed ourselves and walked to Ciel and Elisabeth who were now in the gardens. "Yes young master?" Sebastian said "Where were you two?" Ciel said eyeing us with his one eye suspiciously. [Im dying- "with his one eye"- ermegawd XD Anywho continue!] "Well we came outside for second and we decided to come out later on." I said Ciel nodded but it looked like he didn't buy it. "Lady Iris?" Elisabeth said "Please just call me Iris" "Alright then just call me Lizzie then but I have a question." Lizzie said "Okay what is it?" I asked she motioned to lean in closer and I did so "Do you think Ciel would want a ball? I want to throw a ball and I want to know if you'd like it the idea too." She asked shyly I smiled "Of course I do Lizzie I'll talk to Ciel about it alright?" I said she nodded. "And Sebastian can be your date." Lizzie said with a devious smile. I only blinked in shock-

This girl was smarter than she looks.

[Sorry it was short but I had to update because I read your comments from the last chapter and it made me so happy actually all of your comments make me smile thanks for reading this story c:]

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