I just wanted to help people

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Walter is standing in his dorm room staring at himself. The events from yesterday left him with permanent reminders. Reminders to make everyone in Union excluding the people he cares about pay. Walter was taken to the nurses office. If it weren't for recovery girl he would have been in very critical condition and considering he is quirkless. Those damned doctors would have thought of it as only a waste of time. But now he had scars all over his body. The most noticable was the one on his face. Recovery girl was able to save his eye but alot of parts of his body had burn marks and cuts. Aizawa gave him two weeks off and for the people responsible for this. Aizawa took them to detention and is going to suspend them. They deserve to be expelled but the headmasters will refuse. Walter was angered by them but what could he do. He sighs in anger and he walks out of his dorm.
Classes ended so everyone was just walking around.

Velvet:"How are you feeling Walter?"

Velvet asks while approaching him.

Walter:"Angry and disgusted by the punishment those animals were given"

Sona:"Sir Aizawa and I tried our best but we only managed to give them 3 days suspension. I'm sorry"

Walter sighs.

Walter:"It's okay Sona. I appreciate what you did and you too velvet"

Sona nods while Velvet smiles at him.

Ejirou:"Walt bro!"

Ejirou joins in aswell.

Izuku:"Walter shouldn't you be in bed? Recovering?"

Tokoyami:"He's right. Walter"

Walter:"Yeah but I wanted to spend time with you guys"

Walter says smiling at his friends.

Ejirou:"You're so manly bro!"

Izuku:"Well if you say so. Can you tell me how you made that suit of your?!"

His friends start bombarding him with questions which causes Walter to smile. He wouldn't trade anything for his friends and so time goes by with the group talking. No one dared approach him because he was with his friends.

Walter:"So how's one for all going?"

Walter whispers. Izuku told him immediately after he got it from all might. He couldn't leave his friend in the dark. They trusted each other with their secrets.

Izuku:"I can now use 20% without breaking my bones"

Walter:"Keep at it. I'll just try to rebuild my armor again and add some upgrades"

Velvet:"So how are you and Cinder?"

Velvet asks. She had Abit of anger when she said that which Walter shrugs off.

Walter:"Well she is open about our relationship and she takes interest in my ability to create suits of my own like ironman"

The other portion of the quirkless people were living good lives because of two things, Their fame and fortune. But Walter had no grudge at all it would be stupid if he did.

Walter:"I even made some upgrades to her costume like I did to yours"

Walter thinks of his current girlfriend. Ever since he had entered union he tried to get a girlfriend but that ended with 18 cruel rejections, 13 cheated on him, 9 taken before he even had the chance to ask them out by none other than his bullies, 7 were just using him and 3 didn't want their relationship revealed to anyone so they broke up.

Walter sighs. He truly loves her but he can't be sure of what she thinks of him. She's never around and she is always busy so he has suspensions.

Walter:"Maybe I should go check up on her"

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