-Chapter 4-

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-After that incident, Chuuya knew that Dazai actually cared and they started to get along better. But...they still tease each other and fight but everything was good. -


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Heavy rain droplets pelted down as Chuuya and Dazai ran to find shelter after their mission of killing somebody. They found shelter at a nearby alley way. Taking off his hat and flinging the water droplets off, Chuuya sighed deeply. He was tired of the rain."It has been raining for straight 3 days already! So annoying!" He ranted. Dazai looked at him and chuckled. "Calm down Chibi. It's just rain. It's not that bad." "Says the one who is always staying at home or your office and doesn't do his paperwork..." Chuuya retorted while rolling his eyes. Dazai pouted and started teasing Chuuya on how he got drunk last Saturday by drinking too much. Red tinted Chuuya's cheek a bit as he punched Dazai's arm gently, asking him to shut up in the process. Just at that moment, the rain subsided and they were about to get out of the alley way until pink smoke started slowly but steadily filling up the whole alley way. Chuuya quickly covered his mouth and nose and Dazai followed. However, Dazai wavered a little and fell onto the floor with a thud.  Huay quickly checked on him. Just fainted not dead fortunately. ' wait...why isn't the smoke affecting me?'Chuuya thought while steadying himself to grab Dazai and leave the alleyway back to port mafia base. Just then, a high pitch girl voice came out of no where. "You are Nakahara Chuuya right? I will be taking your boyfriend there..." Chuuya was thinking of where the sound came from until he heard the word BOYFRIEND which made him blush hard. It was like a vein snapped in him. "He isn't my fu*king boyfriend! He is my partner! Now come and show yourself so that I can beat your as*!"  He saw two figures emerged from the smoke and appeared in front of him. One had long raven hair and has a long black dress with the tips red. The other person was a burly man who had dark brown curly hair and wore a monotone grey shirt and pants. Chuuya almost laughed. These guys are sort called villains? They looked so lame. Chuuya stifled a laugh and joked"sorry why are you here?" The girl replied with a large grin on her face " I'm Hana and this guy beside me is Haru. We are siblings. My gift allows to give out smoke that makes specific people lose conscious. Haru has no gift but he is super strong!" We are here to kidnap Dazai Osamu because our Dad wants him!" When she finished saying that, the guy name Haru picked Dazai up and lifted him over his shoulder. He was ridiculously strong. Upon seeing that,  Huay took out his gun and started shooting at Hana and Haru. He didn't want to show them his gift yet, he wanted to keep it a secret. When the duo were distracted with the gun bullets, Chuuya went up close and gave Haru a round house kick. A normal average human would get kicked to the wall with a broken bone or two but Haru only suffered a severe bruise that's all. He could still move his hand if he ignored the soreness in his arm. He took Chuuya by the leg and threw him to the opposite wall with Hana laughing hysterically and praising her brother.  Chuuya managed to activate his ability just in time before hitting the wall. He grunted as he came out of the crack on the wall. When he was about to come attacking again, he saw Hana waving at him and they were gone. The pink smoke disappeared too! "Oh god! I need to tell Mori!" Chuuya mumbled curse words towards himself while runni g towards the port mafia base.

At the port mafia base- 

"Boss! Dazai has been kidnapped!" Chuuya burst through Mori's office door while yelling. Kouyou who was in the room as well. She glared at him for a while before asking what happened. Chuuya told them what happened and both were shocked. "We need to get Dazai san back, he is an executive after all!" Mori exclaimed as his tone became serious. Kouyou nodded her head but asked with a sad tone "We don't even know where he is taken too..." at that moment they heared Chuuya laughed a bit and smirked as he took out his phone showing to the two other people. "I put a tracker in Dazai's coat when I attacked Haru!" He showed where they were heading. They were heading towards an abandoned ship container at the opposite side of Yokohama. Mori smiled and asked for the black lizard, and Akutagawa to join into this mission. Chuuya nodded and went to spread the news. Akutagawa fumed "He got kidnapped? We need to get him back right away!" Akutagawa acted like he didn't care but when it came towards his mentor, he was hyper. The black lizard was shocked about the news as well and agreed to do their part. Arriving at the ship container, all port mafia members included in this port mafia, stood in front of the shipping container. Holding their guns, knifes, got ready to attack. Chuuya informed everyone about the two siblings and knew what to do. The black lizard had to deal with Haru while Akutagawa and Kouyou deal with Hana. Dazai's and Chuuya's guards were to attack the rest or any extra guards. Raising his leg to kick down the door, Chuuya had pure anger in his eyes. He was worried for Dazai and angry that Hana and Haru kidnapped him. He had no idea why he felt like that. Why would he, Nakahara  Chuuya, one of the executives of port mafia worry about waste of bandages in there? Weird right...on the count of three, Chuuya kicked down the door and everyone did their formations and went into the big and a spacious shipping container. It was empty...except for a chair with Dazai sitting on it, bleeding.  Huay was first to race to his side. Checking his pulse, it was getting weak. His breathing came in heavy pants and they were feeble. Dazai was slowly bleeding out. He had very deep cuts on his arms and his wrists were get a raised by the frayed rope. His neck had a burn mark which looked like he was hanged with a burning hot rope. What did they do to him? Keeping his questions aside, Chuuya asked Kouyouto come in and carry him out. Kouyou who came rushing in was stunned by the scene in front of her. She was the mother figure in the port mafia, she cared dearly for all the members. She slowly carried him out of the shipping container with the help of Higuchi and Dazai was brought back to the port mafia base to Mori.  Chuuya felt himself boiling with rage from the inside out. He had no idea why but he just felt that way. He kept on uttering the word die as he stomped out of the shipping container to see two familiar figures...

Hana and Haru...

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