641 31 17

Real quick would you guys ever want a face reveal like for real?

Jisung had today all set up, a few days ago he asked Minho to come over for a baking date, he got the idea from Felix!


"I don't know what to do for a date we haven't been on in so long!" Jisung wined shaking Felix's arm

"Oh how about you just have a date at your house you can cook or bake and just spend time together they would be fun right?" Felix smiled

Jisung smiled, getting the ingredients out before Minho came over and cleaned the kitchen, his parents were on a date themselves so Jisung want to bake and have leftovers for his parents as well!

Jisung heard a knock on the door and ran to the door with a wide smile plastered on his face, getting brighter seeing his boyfriend smiling back at him.

"Hey!!!" Jisung smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him in, shutting the door behind him, "Hey! What are we doing today?" Minho asked with a warm smile

"Wanna bake? You don't really have choice I already prepared it" Jisung laughs Minho smiled, shaking his head and headed to the kitchen to put an apron on. He puts the other one on Jisung and ties it for him.

Minho wrapped his arms around Jisung as he watched Jisung open the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, and the rest of the ingredients.

"Ya know it would be great if you helped me!" Jisung smiled looking back to look at Minho

"I don't know how to bake well! I don't even know where to start!" Minho smiled back

"I don't either!" Jisung exclaimed with wide eyes, "Then why did you want to bake?" Minho chuckled, "I don't know Felix suggested it" Jisung shrugged

Minho pulled out his phone and looked up some brownies recipes. It's going to be basic because they didn't know how to bake very well and didn't want to ruin them on their first try.


1 cup of melted butter

2 cups of white sugar

½ cup of cocoa powder

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

4 eggs" Minho read out looking at his phone

"4 eggs?" Jisung questioned taking them out Minho nodded and continued reading

"1 ½ cups of all purpose flour

½ teaspoon of salt

½ cup of walnut halves? Do we even have those?" Minho questioned

"Um we have peanuts!" Jisung smiled

"Ok we can just go from here and hope it doesn't end in tragedy!" Minho cheered

"It doesn't say how to bake them or what order?" Jisung asked looking and Minho's phone

Minho handed him his phone, "It does I just don't wanna read it out loud" he smiled

They got started with mixing everything in the bowl Jisung looked at Minho a little concerned, "Is it supposed to look like that?" He questioned

"Text Felix! He'll know!" Minho smiled sending a pic to Felix

Felix: Wow you guys are doing better than I thought, yeah it looks good now put it in the oven preheated at 350 degrees F, 175 C DON'T forget to grease the pan! Then put it in the preheated oven for 20 to 30 mins.

"Uhhhh this is stressful" Minho put his hand on his head, "Yeah but it's fun right?" Jisung asked with a small smile

"I always have fun with you. We could cuddle in silence and I'd be having the time of my life!" Minho smiled wrapping his arm around Jisungs shoulder

"I know but we have had a date for a while not one when we did stuff! I just wanted today to be fun!" Jisung frowned looking at the disaster in the making.

Minho lifted his chin and faced him towards him, "listen you don't need to do this! I'm happy with what ever! I just love being around you you yourself is enough for me forever!" Minho smiled caressing his face

"I just don't want you to get bored in the relationship" Jisung frowned his eyes tearing up taking Minho by surprise

"Who told you I was getting bored of you? Have you met you? You're the most interesting person I've met! The most handsome, caring, funny, talented, smart, and understanding person I know! I'm not getting bored of you, I don't think I ever will!" Minho smiled Jisung looked away with a small smile

Minho cupped his face and got closer to him, "Look at me! I. LOVE. YOU!" Minho frowned his eyebrows and kissed Jisung

Jisung hugged him tightly burying his face into his chest.

So even though baking didn't work out for them they still had a good day cuddling and talking about random thoughts they have.


Not me getting another book idea because of this chapter- 🤪 would y'all ever want to hear some of my books I plan to write?

SIMP! ||Minsung|| ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant