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Next day

Jisung felt a little better but he felt bad for not texting Minho back he mentally couldn't. He felt like his comfort was ruined by other people. He walked in the classroom eyes instantly met with Minhos.

"Hey are you ok?" Minho asked in a soft voice

"Yeah I'm sorry I didn't text you back. Can we please talk in my house after school?" He asked he knew he would be too emotional if he talked about it in school

"Did I do something wrong?" Minho asked with a frown, "No! You didn't nothing wrong I just need to talk to you at my house it's nothing too bad I promise" Jisung smiled holding Minho's hand

Minho nodded respecting Jisung's wishes and left him alone. Minho had a gut feeling Jisung was lying and felt like something bad happened. Whether it be what he did or what others did.

Minho walks with Jisung to his house and went in his room. "What happened?" Minho asked pulling Jisung in for a hug.

"These girls were near your house and saw me dressed in the skirts I showed you at your house, they called me a slut" Jisung started his eyes watering Minho heart crushed how dare they say that about him! How dare they share that!

"They also said that's the only reason you're with me because I wear skirts and crop tops and I know your not like that- but- I only wanted you to see me in those I didn't want anyone else to!" Jisung sobbed into Minho's shoulder.

"Can you tell me the names of these girls?" Minho asked calmly rubbing his shoulder

"Hayoon called me a slut" Jisung frowned, Minho nodded that all he needed to know.

Hayoon is very well known and has a high reputation in school. So it's very easy to ruin it for her. Minho smirked at the plan he had in mind.

"Let me handle it ok? I love you so much I hate seeing you like this" Minho frowned, pulling him closer kissing the top of his head.

"Ok just please don't get in trouble ok?" Jisung asked Minho smiled at his boyfriend whipping his face

"Don't worry I'll handle this" Minho smiled, kissing his nose, "You didn't say you wouldn't get in trouble" Jisung frowned, "I won't get in trouble I promise" Minho smiled ruffling his hair.

How do you think Minho will handle this? I hope you enjoyed the book so far!

SIMP! ||Minsung|| ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें