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Felix was in the class with Seungmin. Felix was studying for his upcoming tests, Seungmin doing the same thing. But Felix wondered how Seungmin knew Hyunjin and why they weren't friends anymore.

"What's wrong?" Seungmin asked looking at Felix in a frown, snapping Felix out of his thoughts

"Huh? Why?" He asked with a smile

"I know when you're upset or confused, what's wrong, talk to me, we've been friends for this long. But it's ok if you're not ready to, I just don't want you over thinking" Seungmin smiled

"How do you know Hyunjin? Why did you guys stop being friends?" Felix asked, walking up to the chair next to Seungmin taking a seat.

Seungmin sighed, "He lives in my neighborhood" he answers, "Ok you guys were friends too right?" Felix asked, Seungmin nodded.

"What happened I never see you go up to him to be fair you don't go up to anyone but still" Felix said

"He joined the basketball team, it was my decision to drift away" he shrugged

"You stopped being his friend because he plays basketball?" Felix asked with a weird look on his face. Seungmin finally put down his book to make eye contact with Felix.

"No. Ok look, me and Hyunjin we're friends for years, I won't stop being friends with him because of that. I never liked the sport, but he wanted to try it, so I wanted to support him. He got in and was very happy, as he should be, he worked hard to be a part of the team." Seungmin started

Felix nodded, listening to Seungmins reasoning

"But he asked me to come with him to practice. You know how I am. I don't like socializing, and the guys on the team are mean. After that I just didn't want to go to his games or to his practices" Seungmin explained

"I mean, not all of them are mean, Changbin isn't!" Felix smiled

"Well yeah because he's friends with Minho, he's great! But the other guys, they tease me and just made me feel uncomfortable. So I left. Then Hyunjin became more popular, and I just wanted to keep away from everything" Seungmin explained

"Did you tell Hyunjin?" Felix asked Seungmin shook his head no

"He was so happy, I didn't wanna ruin it for him. He would've left if I asked him to. I didn't want him to give up on something that could give him a bright future, now he's the team captain!" Seungmin smiled

"Do you just left him?" Felix asked

"Don't word it like that! It's complicated I left for him to be happy, it worked out well I'm the end" Seungmin shrugged, "But are you happy?" Felix asked

"Sure, I'm fine" Seungmin said with a small smile

"You miss him, don't you?" Felix asked with a smile, Seungmin rolled his eyes

"Of course he was my best friend, he never teased me or made me feel bad about myself, he's the sweetest guy I've met! He's helped me through a lot of the past" Seungmin smiled

"Aww, why don't you try to talk to him again?" Felix asked

"As I said, I don't like the people he's around!" Seungmin said, "What if it was just me and Changbin around him!" Felix smiled

"I wouldn't even know what to say!" Seungmin denied again

"Talk about old stuff come on your usually ok with talking to old friends why is this guy different?" Felix asked

Seungmin kept silent, glancing at Felix.

Felix eyes widens and he gasps, "Do you have feelings for Hyunjin?!" He asked raising his voice Seungmin shushing him

"I don't wanna talk about it!" Seungmin hissed

Felix smiled and jumped up and down, "Oh my gosh Seungmin has a crush" he squealed Seungmin putting his head on the table

"It dosent matter!!" Seungmin whined

"Of course it does you like Hyunjin that's a huge thing! Seungmin you have to talk to him and explain everything" Felix said Seungmin whipped his head to look at him with a sassy look.

"No the fuck I don't!" Seungmin saids

"How long have you liked Hyunjin?" Felix asked, Seungmin kept silent, "ugh for 4 years" Seungmin mumbled

Felix jaw dropped, he's been liking him since 8th grade!

"You HAVE to talk to him! At least give him an apology and explanation!" Felix said

"Fine let say I do that how would I even do that?" Seungmin asked

Felix smiled putting his hands on Seungmin shoulder, "I know just how to do it" Felix smiled making Seungmin worried


Yay another chapter I hope you liked it cuz things are going to get more interesting from here

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