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It was practice for Hyunjin and his teammates and he had a plan, now he wasn't going to yell or pick a fight with Jay because that wouldn't do anyone any good.

"Hey Jay! I want to try something new! Jooyeon! Your turn to play! Jay sat down for this practice" Hyunjin smiled

It was a win win Jay could shut the fuck up and learn his place and Jooyeon can practice to get better and he's pretty skilled for the team to win!

After practice

Hyunjin was in the locker room putting his clothes in his bag when Jay walked up to him. It was only him and Jay in the room as the rest of the team mates went home.

"What the hell was that? Why would you let Jooyeon in and put me on the bench?" Jay scoffed, Hyunjin smiled at his frustration.

"I felt it could make our team better, but I have a question for you, why did you mess with Seungmin last year?" He asked leaning on the lockers

Jay looked confused, "Who?" He asked "You know the nerdy guy who reads and studies a lot that used to be my friend" Hyunjin explained venom on his tongue

"Oh that guy, why do you care? It's not like your friends with him anymore and it was a year ago!" Jay exclaimed

"I care because they was my best fucking friend and you made him feel worthless like he wasn't supposed to be around me!" Hyunjin shouts

"It's not my fault your little boyfriend is a sensitive little bitch!" Jay gets cut off by a harsh slap to the face leaving him in shock

"Don't ever fucking call him that!" Hyunjin said with anger in his eyes

"You know what? I'm going to report you to coach you'll get kicked off the team" Jay smiled

Hyunjin chuckled and got close to his face, "Go ahead you do that, I'll report you to both the coach and principal that you harassed my friend, bullied him, and made him uncomfortable to where he had a fucking anxiety attack, let's see who he kicks off first, so think wising because if you want to play that game I will GLADLY do so" Hyunjin hissing before smiling.

Jay shook his head and walked out the room pissed.

Hyunjin pulled out his phone to text Seungmin

Hyunjin: wanna watch a movie at my house today?

Seungmin <3 : I can't I'm studying for the upcoming quiz

Hyunjin: Hey, we can study together. I just don't wanna be alone :(

Seungmin: Ok fine, come to my house when you are done with practice!

Hyunjin: Ok! Love you!!!

Seungmin: <3


Yayyy double update great news I'm getting a journal tomorrow!!!!

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