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It was a Monday and Chan was walking Jeongin to his classes. Chan has noticed Jeongin has been a little off, and he has a good idea why he was.

"Love, are you upset with me?" Chan asked, leaning his head on Jeongin's shoulder

"No..." Jeongin mumbled, "Is it because me and Seungmin used to date?" Chan asked, wrapping his arms around his waist, Jeongin turned around.

"I just can't see it! I mean I can but it's still shocking! You guys are always at each other throats!" Jeongin said Chan laughs

"Yeah, but we just like to mess and tease each other after we broke up, we're more comfortable with each other now!" He smiled

"How far did you guys go?" Jeongin ask Chan's eyes widen, "Not that far don't worry" Chan said shaking his head

"Have you guys kissed?" He asked Chan nodded, "Made out?" Chan sighed and nodded, "Have you given him a hickey?" Jeongin asked with wide eyes

"I didn't give him one" Chan said Jeongin jaw dropped, "HE gave you one?" He asked Chan nodded

"But we only did that, we never went farther than that!" Chan said

"Can I ask where he gave you one?" Jeongin smiled Chan cringed

"Can we switch this conversation? I don't want you to feel weird because me and Seungmin used to date!" Chan pouted Jeongin kissed him

"I wasn't weirded out channie I was just shock, but I'm ok I promise" Jeongin smiled cupping Chan's face

Chan felt very relieved at that.

Jeongin knew even if they did go further, they wouldn't like each other again. Chan didn't look at Seungmin the way he looked at him. Same with Hyunjin, his eyes shined so bright with the mention of Hyunjin talking about him.

Jeongin had nothing to worry about.


Yay another update! I'm so tired 😂

SIMP! ||Minsung|| ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin