Worse than death (angst )

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I know I already made a similiar chapter but.... -)
Short chapter)
Ren dipped his head, pinning his ears back- adrenaline blocking out most of the excruciating pain, - though he still cried from sheer shock- ren knew what was going to happen- he had no armor and mediocre weapons so there was no point in fighting. Bdubs gripped the sword, he raised it up, "I'm sorry," ren spoke softly, bdubs felt himself freeze up - his eyes watering as he hesitated,

It wasn't really debatable, yet he felt so much remorse for an action he didn't even do yet. Ren squeezed his eyes shut, death wasn't the thing he was regretting- it was trusting someone, trusting bdubs, when he knew it was bound that he would be dethroned. A moment passed, ren looked up noticing bdubs was crying...

he almost felt bad for him... "Go on!" Ren shouted, wishing he would stop delaying and get it over with- the sword hit the floor with an echoing clatter, bdubs dropping to his knees, "I can't!" He let out choked sobs, ren a bit gratified at the guilt that bdubs held. "I can't do it I can't ren- I promised, I made you king I can't take that away," he rambled, the two sitting in a silence only filled by tears.

Trust is such a delicate thing- Trust is something no matter how bad bdubs wanted to, he couldn't break.

/bdubs- the loyal jester/

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