Hear me out- (fluff)

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(Just started third life- and just found out about this duo and they are so adorable I had to, and anyways this takes place in doublelife)
(Your honor, theyre married. Anyways just the characters not the people not going to tell you common sense and I'm using their names not usernames I can't stand spelling that out every time, okay I'm gonna stop rambling)

Scott sighed, he was perfectly content sticking with Cleo- and as of now he was tolerating pearl, but through all of this he still felt- underwhelmed? Unfulfilled, like something was missing he would never get back. He tried to hide it- drown it out- pretend it wasn't there, but the feeling presisted through the series. He has friends- a lot actually, which only matched his enemies. Maybe not having a true soulmate was taking a toll on him- really, he used to think it was such an amazing thing, he traveled the whole server searching for his soulmate only to be well.... Disappointed.

Suddenly an urge overtook him- like the walls of the house were to small, the air to thick- he shot up, walking outside and sitting in the grass, he tried to catch his breath - the bright colors of the outside were almost too overwhelming, he squinted- someone was coming across the bridge, he didn't hesitate to equip his armor, walking to see who the person was.

"HELLO?" They greeted at the end of the bridge, resting their wings to the side of them which they presumably used to fly over here- "hello- ?" - they didn't look quite intimidating for a red name, actually, they looked ... well.... Soft. - "Well! We've met before but uhm- I'm your neighbor, solidaitry, thought since things are getting quite wild on the server I should stop by yknow-" Scott gave a mixed glance, not quite understanding what he was hinting at. "Huh- oh well, uhm, wanna talk inside?" Scott instantly regretted those words- what was he doing inviting a red name to his house, a cute red n- ....

Scott immediately turned around, walking with the other as he tried to hide the blush that spread across his face. The latter struggled to keep up with Scott who practically ran to the door, "Hah- so, Scott right?" Jimmy gave a nervous laugh as Scott noticed he was practically dragging them behind, "Mhm!" Why was he so nervous?! The two walked inside, sitting at the table - scott handing him some cookies- "so what did you want," he tried to recollect himself, "Well since we're neighbors I brought you a gift!" He placed a chest, taking the cookies and few valuables inside the chest - as much as he could spare really, he didn't have much and was wearing iron armor-

"Oo- what's this for?" He tried to cover the appreciation knowing there were strings attached, "Well- possibly an alliance,," Scott gave a confused look, "Your a red name-" "I know I know- but, me and tango could protect you guys!" Scott wasnt impressed, "You... your going to protect all four of us with your iron armor?" He laughed a bit, "Hey don't insult - well that's the idea-" he shyed away, "mh... I don't see me getting anything out of this deal- how about a secret alliance, between you and me?" Scott proposed

"And tango-"

/inspiration is very dire - /

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