Chapter 1 : Start of Senior Year

Start from the beginning

Girl 1: "Why he's not eating yet.."

Girl 2: "Idk maybe he doesn't like the food?"

Girl 3: "I think he's waiting for someone."

Girl 1 and 2: "Who?!! Dont tell me hes wi ~

"Yah!! There's a lot of curry here on my plate." Chaeyoung said with a big grin on her face.

Jisoo is smiling while looking at her, "You will eat like a guy again." He said teasing Chaeyoung.

"Yah don't make fun of me!! Hmp!!" she pouted and rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm not, here drink this." Jisoo extended his arm and gave Chaeyoung a milk. "let's eat?" He said smiling at her.

"Yes I'm so hungry." She started arranging her food from the food tray and glanced at Jisoo signing to eat.

"Dig in." He said, smiling while watching Chaeyoung take her first bite.

All the people inside the cafeteria have seen their actions. Different reactions were heard.

Student 1: "Yaah!! They are so sweet!! You saw that he waited for Chaeyoung before he eats! Such a gentleman bf!"

Student 2: "Why are you so lucky chaeyoung?!"

Student 3: "I hate her so much!!"

Student 4: "How can i become close to jisoo too?"

Jennie and her friends heard everything that the other students were gossiping about.

"She's so lucky to sit in front of jisoo!" Somi said looking angrily at Chaeyoung.

"Yah I cannot take this anymore!!" Sana smashed the table angrily but regretted it after because of the pain.

"Hey Sana can you shut up!?" Jennie said annoyed because the two started to bicker again.

"Yah! Jennie you haven't answered the question earlier. What's your type and who's your crush? Somi said while trying to get some of her food.

Sana becomes energetic again. "Yes who's your crush? Don't tell me you like jisoo too? Don't like him, there are so many girls waiting in the line for jisoo they can't even get pass to chaeyoung.." she said sadly while glancing at them.

"Yeah you need to fall in line first!" Somi added while eating some piece of meat on Sana's food now.

"Yah, I don't like him!! He's too soft, he always smile to everyone I hate it! He's not my type!! I like someone who looks manlier, more of an athletic type of guy." Jennie said loudly then rolled her eyes to her friends.

Somi gaped because of what she heard and started laughing. "Woah! I didn't know you like guys who looks dirty lol." Sana and Somi laughed together while teasing Jennie.

"So you like guys who looks tough? Should be on the basketball team? or a Jock?" Sana said,  trying to make the mood light because Jennie started to roll her eyes, she knew that Jennie was already pissed.

"Well yeah something like that!" Jennie replied annoyed without looking at them.

"So you like tough guys? you want it rough huh?" Somi stated while bursting into laughter. "Oooh you're really a bad girl Jen." Somi added.

"Ha ha ha yeah.."  Jennie awkwardly laugh and sadly look at Jisoo and Chaeyoung's direction.

Jennie's POV

I'm about to say that I like Jisoo, but because of what I've seen, I felt sad seeing them together and I know if I describe the guy that I like (I want a caring guy, want someone who always makes me smile, who's responsible) they will know that I like him. I mean I'm okay with them knowing about who I like. It's just Somi is too pushy about everything. If they know that I like Jisoo, they won't stop teasing me and bugging me about it. I don't want to drag Jisoo into these. I mean it's just, I don't want him to start ignore me.

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