Chapter 9

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-What am I feeling?-

«1 month later»

Akira's POV:

It has been a month and me and Enzo have been getting closer lately. Apparently some of our classmates knew that I "like" him and would tease me often, Enzo doesn't know yet and im glad he doesn't. I don't want to ruin our friendship just because of some crush, well fake crush that is. He's a good friend, he's funny, he's really good at sculpting, and he might not be the smartest but his a very caring person. The girls still doesn't know about my pretend crush on Enzo, only Jake does. He teases me sometimes but he sets boundaries in them now. I've learned a lot about my half german friend. Apparently his been here ever since seventh grade. I didn't knew about his existence at that time since we were only schoolmates and I didn't really pay attention to them that much other than my grades and my closes friends.

What? I was a shy person back then, okay?? Don't judge me. Anyways...

Today was our examination. The questions were hard some were easy. But even if the exam confuses us and stresses us all the time, we still manage. We did our very best and hope we'd hopefully get a passing grade. It was only a half day of school as students went home after the examinations finished. Some stayed. I stayed. I was now sitting in a bench eating a sandwich with Jake. "The exams were difficult today, huh?" Jake said as he finished his sandwich. "Yeah it kinda was, especially math" I said as I threw my paper bag away and drank my water. Jake raised his brow at me as he says, "since when was math not hard?". I chuckled at his statement, "yeah your right, since when was math never hard" he laughed as I did to. The joke wasn't that funny but it was fun hanging out with a friend. "Man, how long has it been since we hung out?" He asked me. "I don't know the last time I remembered we hung out was at your mom's birthday and that was last year ago!" I said laughing, him doing the same. "We should hung out more often, my mom thought I had a fight with you, Valerie, Katelyn and Deric" he said as he chuckled at the memory. "Your not hanging out with Deric anymore?" I asked. "We hung out a bunch of times but lately his been busy hanging out with his girlfriend" He said as he rolled his eyes. "Well his girlfriend might get mad at him if he doesn't spend time with her.." I said as I shrugged. He just slouch his elbows, "so much for bros before hoes". "So what now?" I asked him as he looked at me. "I don't know- oh, are you going to that party!?" He asked in excitement. I tilt my head in confusion as I asked, "what party?". He rolled his eyes, "the party Ms. Poller is having". After he said that I then remembered. "Oh yes! I am going to the party, my mom was invited, are you going?" I asked grinning. "Yes, I am." He said grinning as well. "Awesome!".

I was now at home dressing up for the party, I asked my friends if they were coming but sadly they said "no". Cassie had to visit her cousin downtown, Maya wanted to stay home because she was tired of the exam, Katelyn was babysitting, and Valerie promised her cousin that they'd watch "purple hearts" together. So it was only me and Jake coming to the party as far as I know.

"Akira lets go!" My mom yelled downstairs, "coming mom!" I rushed out of my room and went downstairs to meet my mom get her car keys. "Okay hop in" she said as she turn on the car. I went in and then she started driving. "Are any students that I know are coming?" I asked breaking the silence. "Jake is coming, I don't know about the others. Your friends aren't joining?" She asked focusing in the road. "No" I sighed. We finally arrived at the party as music was blasting out of the house. Me and my mom got out of the car as she locked it. "Ooh they have drinks!" My mom said excitedly. "Don't drink to much, okay?" I said in a worried tone but with a smile on my face. "Of course, go have fun, sweetie" she said as we separated our ways. She went to get some drinks as she saw some of her friends. I on the other hand, is finding my friend. I went inside the house as many students of Ms. Poller and some teachers I recognized and some I don't are roaming around. I went into the kitchen as I noticed a familiar face. "Finally" I thought to myself as I approached the black haired boy. "Jake!" I said. He heard me as he looked at my direction and smiled. "Yo! You made it!" He said and chuckled. "Any of your gals coming?" He asked. "No their busy" I said with a frown. "Jeez, well I know what to make that frown upside down" he said as he pulled me upstairs to somewhere less crowded. "Ok less people are here" he said as he looked around. I looked at him confused. He then got close to me, like he was about to say a secret or something. "A little birdy told me, his coming" he said as he smirked. "What?" I furrowed my brows. His smirked drop as he facepalm himself. "Charlie told me Enzo is coming, ain't that great?" He said grinning. A blush then came up to my cheeks and my heart fluttered at the mention of his name. "Wh-what!?" "Did you not hear me?" He asked. "No I heard you, but why? Also Charlie is here??" I asked. "Yeah you didn't see him? He was just at the kitchen" he said pointing at it. He then widened his eyes and asked,  "Do you like Charlie?" "What!?No! I was just asking because I didn't see him, hold on- does Charlie knows I like Enzo!?" I asked my blush getting worse. "Yeah kinda, I mean he said it was obvious since you keep looking at Enzo" he said and continued "ya know, Akira. For someone who's just pretending to like him you really want your act to be realistic.." he said eyeing me with a smirk on his face. "Woah woah woah! Whatever your thinking its not like it at all!!" I said crossing my arms, "he just so happens to be in my peripheral vision okay?" I said looking away. "Your blushing" he said. "Am not!" I looked at him, I was an inch taller than him so I was kind of towering on him. "You are!" He said grinning. "No im not!" "You totally are- look its Enzo!" He said as I immediately looked at where his pointing and saw no one. "No one is there.." I said trailing off to see his face having a huge proud smirk. "You looked" he said, I immediately realized what he was doing and blushed. "Holy! You like him!? Like for real!?" He said with widened eyes. "No! I do not! I just looked because I don't want him hearing our conversation!" I said, face red as a tomato, from the embarrassment and anger, and mostly from the said boy. "Can I join in the conversation?" Said a familiar voice as it startled me. "Hey, Charlie! You found us!" Jake said giving Charlie a high five. "Yeah, anyways what are you guys talking-" "nothing!" I said as I cut him off. He raised a brow and smirked. "Get that smirk of your face, there's nothing to be smirking about" I said as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "She's in a bad mood?" Charlie said looking at Jake. "Yeah, I made a joke that kind of upset her" he said scratching the back of his neck. Charlie just replied with a hum. 8 minutes later I grew bored, Charlie and Jake are sitting in a couch talking while im in Jake's side slouching. At this point it looks like im third wheeling. "Im going to get myself a drink" I said as I walked away. From a far I heard Charlie said, "Akira grab me and Jake an orange juice please, thanks!" "Okay!" I yelled. I arrived at the kitchen grabbing 2 orange juice and an apple juice. It wasn't that hard to hold since the orange juice aren't in a glass. As I was about to head over to their way, someone had bumped into me causing me to almost slip. Luckily I maintain my posture. I glared at the person who had bumped into me, who was running at the opposite direction. He didn't even say sorry, how rude. I was about to pass by the stairs until I saw someone jump from it, from two steps. It startled me causing me to flinch. I then recognize the daredevil and said, "ENZO!? What are you doing here!?". He looked at me with widened eyes, "Akira? Finally a familiar face!" He said. "Are any of our classmates here?" He asked, "Charlie and Jake are over there" I said pointing at the boys playing thumb war. "Great, lets go" he said grabbing the orange juice from my hands and grab my wrist pulling me towards them. "Hey guys!" Enzo said gaining Jake and Charlie's attention. "Enzo! Buddy, glad to see you!" Charlie said. Jake greeted Enzo then eyed him down and looked at me giving me a smirk. I raised a brow in confusion and looked at what he was staring at from a while ago. I then blushed and separated my wrist from Enzo's hand. I didn't even realize he was still holding it, of course he was still holding it, he was to distracted at talking to the guys to let go. Yet why does my hand feels like its missing something? I probably forgot to put on my bracelet today, that's right. Nothing else, of course.

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