"Did you just quote the Snickers commercial?"

The reply Haneul got was the smile Yoongi often gave - just the little tilt of his lips upwards. "Does your best friend know about this shit you've been doing, Haneul? Pun intended."

Of course, Yoongi knew about Taehyung, and Taehyung knew about Yoongi too. They met each other quite a few times in college, and she had no clue why Taehyung hated her hanging out with Yoongi. He was always sceptical about Yoongi, and their break-up was another reason why Taehyung never approved of being friends with exes.

Taehyung knew the side effects, and Haneul didn't deny it. She and Yoongi did have a couple of single-night stands with each other here and there, but that was it. Neither of them ever mentioned it again outside the bedroom, and that was the whole point of one-night stands anyway. They were friends, who sometimes, very rarely slept with each other. They were exes too, but the lack of feelings made it easier for them to still be around each other. Taehyung on the other hand, could not relate to Haneul. His feelings were too vulnerable.

They had not had sex in a while, seeing that Yoongi had recently started exploring his sexuality spectrum and was pursuing a person of the same gender as him. Haneul was happy for him, really, but that resulted in her finding another sexual partner.

Which was Haneul's boss, the CEO Haneul worked as a personal secretary for, Mr Jung Hoseok.

It happened during their business trip to Japan. After a conference, both got drunk up to the point they didn't know what they were doing. One thing led to another and well... They made a mistake.

Mistake, the word would be right if the said mistake was committed only once. But the problem started when it happened again, and again, and again, till Haneul had no count. No count of how many times they had sex, they fucked, or they shagged. Choose your pick.

"No, he doesn't know," Haneul dug her face into her noodle cup and pretended to look for a nonexistent pea. She hadn't dared to tell Taehyung. She knew he would be disappointed in her, and she hated that. Loathed it. "Also..." she trailed off in realisation. She had to yet tell Yoongi about their whole pretending-to-date plan, and she knew Yoongi would absolutely throw fucking hands at her.

"Why do I have the feeling that it gets worse?" Yoongi joked as he slurped on his noodles, not knowing what was about to come.

"I have a situation with my family," Haneul said, thinking it was better to come clean right now than complicate things for later on.

"And let me guess, marriage again? Lord if they're so desperate, you might as well marry me. I pity you, Haneul."

"Well, my mom convinced Taehyung's mother to marry off Taehyung as soon as possible as well, because 'we're in the marriable age' or something. And neither one of us wants to marry right now so... err-"

"Don't tell me-"

"We told them we're dating for two and a half years," Haneul cut him off, "We're pretending to kiss and do couple stuff in front of them so that they believe us."

"That's enough, stop making drama scripts in your head," Yoongi shrugged her off unbelievingly as if she was joking with him.

"Yoongi," Haneul said, burying her face in her hands, "What should I do?"

"What- How- Why?"

"Can't I like, go back and do something? Or maybe elope? Run away from these people? Yoongi tell me something!"

Yoongi took a moment to gather himself. He was at a loss of words, really. His ex's love life was a script of some poorly written romance book. "Well, there's no use of crying over spilt milk now."

They fell into silence again, thinking. Haneul was this close to disappearing from the face of the earth. Why did she have to do all this? She was the one. She was the one who initiated the pretend-dating with Taehyung. It was her idea.

"Know what?"

"What?" She asked Yoongi, hoping that he had gotten a good idea.

"I think you should go meet that boss of yours. Figure if his feelings towards you are genuine or not."

"How will that help? What if they are? What if they're not??"

"Listen to me first," Yoongi snapped, "Meet me here same time next week. Depending on what your boss feels and how things at your house go, we can find a solution. I'm sure we can."

"Oh, Yoongi," she said softly and hugged him. He was one of her safe spaces.

Yoongi nodded on top of her head. "Don't worry, Haneul. Don't worry."

"Why are you doing this for me?" she asked, to which Yoongi replied,

"All this while you were there for me as a support when no one was. Now it's my turn."


author's note:

hello there. haha, idek what to say now. the plot is finally opening and oh goodness, did any of you see that coming?

also yoongi. the loml. ah, we love some quality yoongi content, which we'll get a lot hehe.

the thing they're eating is GOT7 Mark's 'Mark Jeongsik' and it is a literal blessing to the living. you have to make it omg.

also, isn't haneul a total hottie? she's pulling so many of the tannies; yoongi, taehyung, hoseok, and jimin as one of her besties???? oh, what would i not do to be her.

that's all for today, see you soon [hopefully]!

check out my other books too <33


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