9 | spilt milk

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"I TOLD YOU to not shit where you eat, Haneul," the male said as he squeezed the contents of the sauce packet into his instant jjapaguri cup before doing the same for Haneul

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"I TOLD YOU to not shit where you eat, Haneul," the male said as he squeezed the contents of the sauce packet into his instant jjapaguri cup before doing the same for Haneul.

"It just happened," she sighed, "I know I messed up but he wants to meet me again today."

"Just say no," he shrugged as he topped the ramen containers with some sausage and cheese strings before popping them in the microwave.

"Yoongi... you know I can't," Haneul closed her eyes, and took a deep breath in before releasing it, "I can't say no."

Yoongi rolled his eyes at her, "Why, because he's your boss? Or you actually like that fucker?" The silence was all he got, so he looked at her accusingly, "You actually like him?"

"I mean, he's alright." Haneul hastily said before getting up from their little table and roaming in the convenience store to find some more food to eat.

Convenience store dates with Yoongi were a rare case for Haneul - only when either one of them needed someone to vent out to. And presently, it was Haneul's chance. Hanging out in convenience stores and coming up with food combinations was their thing. Especially when they dated. Both Yoongi and Haneul loved to experiment with their food, and while Haneul could not make anything for the life of her, Yoongi was the one with chef-like cooking skills. He had a passion for cooking and feeding his loved ones; and in his opinion, no one should resolve their problems on an empty stomach.

Haneul grabbed two cans of apple cider and brought them to their table back again, after paying for them. "Don't shit with me," Yoongi said pointedly as if he was waiting for her to come back. "He's your boss, Haneul," he said in an annoyed tone, "and the owner of the company you work for. Don't y'all have rules or something? Company policies?"

"But he said it was fine!" Haneul almost whined.

"Of course he did," Yoongi rolled his eyes. Min Yoongi. How would Haneul describe him? Hot. Good friend. Ex-boyfriend. And gave good advice.

That was exactly Min Yoongi. Haneul had dated him in her freshman year of college, and Yoongi was the one to pop her cherry, which could also be phrased as taking Haneul's virginity.

It was funny how they were still friends after breaking up, but that precisely was special about them. They were better off as friends. Yoongi was the one person Haneul took advice from, and he was almost a best friend to her. Well, after Taehyung and May, at least. Min Yoongi knew it all, right from her biggest achievements to her most shameful and embarrassing kinks. Stuff that she didn't even tell Taehyung about.

"Here, put this food into your system and then think about what you've been saying," Yoongi handed her the hot jjapaguri cups right from the microwave, the melted cheese making Haneul's stomach growl. Due to the stares her family and Taehyung's family had been giving at Taehyung's place, she couldn't properly eat lunch as well, "As they say, you're not you when you're hungry."

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