Chapter 23 - Murder in the Summit

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"How are you two feeling?"

Rachel entered the Medical Bay in the Luna Sea II as Alon and Marina were recovering after being subjected to a handful of increased G-Forces. "Between being under-equipped to deal with an Ace Pilot and this I'd say I'm feeling better." Alon chuckled as Marina glared at him. "Oh shut up." Marina groaned in mild annoyance.

"It was your idea."

"Yeah, and you listened to me."

Rachel laughed as the two bickered in their beds followed by the Memento Mori with his arms crossed. "That was a close call," Memento Mori commented as he looked at Alon and Marina and then back to Rachel. "Are they fit for piloting?"

"I know I am," Alon said forcing himself to stand up but nearly losing balance due to the pain.

"I know you should rest," Marina said with Rachel nodding.

"Don't worry this isn't the first time I suffered through that and I handled far better this time." Alon lied, he was still under immense pain but he can soldier through the pain. "Alright, I'll let you, pilot." Memento Mori nodded at him, but before Rachel and Marina can utter a protest against it, Alon made his way out of the Medical Bay and made his way to the command bridge where Ars and Dain are preparing on discussing the plan as well as the details of the Summit as everyone gathered around the Star Map.

Firstly is that the Summit is held by Grand Apostle Laeticia of Terra Eternal, in between their time on Venus and Mercury, the Cult known as Terra Eternal has gained enough power that they are classified as a legitimate religion on the planets of Mars and Jupiter with many turning to them in times of faith. Their core faith is centred around the idea that Earth or Holy Terra as they would call it, is a sacred site where all life originates with the upper echelons of their society holding pilgrimages to Luna so they can observe the planet much closer another core tenant in their religion is that they believe all souls come from Earth and all souls will return to Earth in a cycle of death and rebirth.

And so by the time the Ceasefire had begun, Terra Eternal has become a major religion within those worlds causing them to affect their choices in politics. And thus Grand Apostle Laeticia seeks to bring peace to the two warring planets hoping they can find an agreement.

"Is it weird for me to say I don't trust them?" Alon asked as soon as they were now allowed to speak. "I mean they spread so quickly what's to say they have a hidden agenda?"

"I agree with Naga," Ars nodded as he read through the files about them. "They tried to proselytize within the Matriarchy too—"

"— some of the big wigs back home are also devoted followers—" Gabrielle chimed in, Alon turned to find Marina stumbling into the room she mouthed 'we'll talk later' as she leaned on a cane to listen to the briefing.

"—which is why it leaves one to wonder what's stopping them from trying to take over the Galaxy," Ars said crossing his arms.

"As much as I like their religion, I guess you're right. But it's better than unification by force right?" Dain asked running his hand through his hand.

"Doesn't matter if you're gonna be tortured or placed in 'Re-education camps' if you disagree with them." Alon retorted as he remembered the preacher back on Londinium.

"Yeah, that Preacher doesn't look like they're up for debates," Marina commented.

"Can we please get back to the planned briefing?" Henri sighed.

"And quickly, we don't have time before it begins," Tsuna added.

The alleged plan was that they are to oversee the Summit which is located in the Luna, the sacred pilgrimage for Terra Eternal. All they have to do is to make sure that neither side nor Inferno Wing is to fire a shot or else chaos will ensue.

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