Chapter 2 - The First Shot

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Alon went into a tool shed in one of the rooms as the Pilot, who later identifies himself as Tsuna Takamori, remained outside watching the Orthoses wait for Alon's response. It was clear that despite the Officer's threats compliance will only lead to their deaths which is why the best option Alon has is to fight back. His Father's room contains a pair of old rifles that was reserved solely for self-defence or for any wild animals making their way into the farm.

"Will this help?" Alon asked as he handed him one of the Rifles and began loading the other one.

"A little old and probably won't make a dent against their armour, but could wound then if you hit the right spots," Tsuna said as Alon handed him more rounds. "I just want to clarify are you sure you want to do this?"

"Even if they spare us, there's still a chance we'll be under surveillance which also means I won't be able to apply for the Pilot Academy anymore so there's not much of a choice." Alon shrugged as he looked at his watch, he only has one minute and thirty seconds before they start shooting. "Help me save my family and I'll not only help you get out but also escape."

Tsuna paused for a moment but finished loading the other rifle and pulled out a smoke grenade with his extra hand. "Alright on three." He said pulling the pin off the grenade but still holding it in for a few moments.

"Three!" He threw the grenade through the window and the moment the smoke grenade set off, the two sprinted out of the house with Tsuna began to open fire on the Soldiers while Alon threw a second grenade and fired his rifle as well knocking down one of the soldiers and stole his rifle and began to fire towards one of the Soldiers by the foot throwing him off balance.

The plan was to not directly fight them but rather distract them long enough for Alon to buy time to be able to let his family escape safely. It was clear that neither of them are capable enough to take them on one by one.

Although the plan was going well with the others concentrating their fire on the house where Tsuna was still there trading shots with them. Alon felt immense pain shoot up at his back and then through his stomach as he was freeing his sister.

"Alon!" Marina cried both in fear and relief as she saw him kneel on the ground.

"Just get to one of the trucks!" Alon shouted at her as their mother helped them up while their father stole one of the rifles used there. Alon saw his father about to approach him as he struggled to stand up.

"Go now," Alon hissed in pain as he grabbed the rifle as his father looked at him reluctantly but eventually ran towards a nearby truck where Marina and their mother managed to steal it. This left Alon to grab the rifle and face the one who shot him which was the leader of the Orthoses who aimed her pistol at Alon.

"That's brave but also stupid." She said as she fired another round at Alon causing him to cry out in pain as another bullet made its way towards his leg.

"That's me, bravely stupid," Alon said gritting through the pain, he tried to stand up and lean on his good leg but the pain was too strong that he wanted to lie on the ground and curl into a ball.

"Well that will be your undoing," She said walking closer to Alon and aiming her pistol at his forehead and—


The ground erupted as something from the sky began to fire at the ground killing some of the soldiers and throwing Alon towards the ground with a painful Thud! Hitting the gunshot wound on his back and nearly broke his back in the process.

"Son of a bitch! What is it this time?" Alon muttered this time getting agitated and quietly regretting saving Tsuna if the result was getting shot twice and thrown like a doll to the ground while the family home and farm were burned and shot up from the sky.

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