(11) Fantasy Meets Reality

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"Tsk. Take your box and go. Oh, but be careful we'd hate to lose our only daughter. Hahaha" This was a losing fight and one I was already done with. Taking my other box, I started up the steps. "That's the last box, Linda" I quickly returned to the ground floor once the box had been placed down as the other still sat on the bottom of the staircase. However, with it in my hands, I started back up to the bedroom just as my mother replied to my father. "Perfect, start going through them" I couldn't understand why he put up with her but I shook the thought from my head as I settled down on the floor of my bedroom.

"I'm going to regret this... There's no going back now"


Law's Pov

"Law?" I wasn't in the mood to deal with him so remained quiet as I flipped the page of my novel. "That girl's parents pulled all files related to that house. She will find out the truth soon enough" I had already told that brat all she needed to know this morning and I wasn't going to try any harder if she wanted to live in denial. However, as I thought over what Smoker had said I was a bit confused. "I thought those files were lost in the fire"

"These were the ones stored at the local library. What are your orders?" After they were done, I'd make sure to get rid of those files. It would only cause problems for me if they remained accessible to the public. "We're running out of firewood. Go fetch some and before you go... bring me that heart I left in the fridge this morning"



An Hour Later...

Elizabeth's Pov

Those files are so detailed and I almost couldn't finish reading them. Somehow, I managed but decided I needed to see him. As I got to the last bunch of files, I saw his picture along with Smoker's. It shouldn't have been possible. Those photos were from a hundred years ago, they couldn't have been the same people. I needed answers and the only way I was going to get any was to find Law. "Where are you going, Pumpkin? It's going to be dark in a couple of hours"

"Just a short walk. I need to clear my head" He didn't argue with me so I continued to the back door where my boots were waiting. "Alright, be careful" I was still on my way to the back when my mother spoke up asking about the files I had taken. "Did you finish with the Trafalgar files, Elizabeth?" I could have been nice and gone up to get them although she was rarely nice to me so I didn't feel the need. "They're on my bedroom floor! I'll be back!"

I made sure not to slam the door shut as I exited the house but now that I stood on the steps my mind went blank. "Where does that guy live?" He must have lived close by and I figured if I walked around the forest, I might happen upon him. With one final look at the house, I turned towards the treeline before setting off. During my little journey, I thought it was a smart idea to begin thinking about all that had happened. The man I met through that little door was real although Law had said terrible things about him.

"Who do I believe?" On one hand, Doflamingo seemed nice but then there was the history surrounding the house. Could he have been the one taking all those people or was there something else here? I didn't know. Yesterday I thought he was a dream however now I knew he had lied to me. He was real and he knew it. Law knew he was real and I didn't believe him. My head was starting to hurt with all this thinking but one last thing did dawn on me.

"Doflamingo killed Law's little sister... He killed Lami"

'Chop' ... 'Chop' ... 'Chop' ...

My terrible thoughts had been interrupted although as I looked around, I couldn't see anyone. "What was that?" I listened for a second and this time I recognized the sound of someone chopping wood. There couldn't have been too many people living out here and the chances of it being Law or Smoker were high so I followed the sound. It hadn't taken me long to find the source of the chopping. However, there was only one person standing with his back turned away from me. That white hair fortunately was a dead giveaway of who it was.

"Detective Smoker, date of death August 4th, 1906" He slowly turned around but I backed away a couple of steps just encase I had made him mad. "You read the files, Ms. Elizabeth?" I kept my distance but thankfully he had put that ax down and remained still. "Are you one of them?" His eyes never changed although I felt the air grow slightly colder as we stared each other down. "That depends on what you're referring to" I almost didn't want to say it aloud, it would have made this whole thing more real than it already was. "Are you a Devourer?"

"You already have your answer. Why are you here? Have you finally realized the truth about him?" He never confirmed that he was one of them although Smoker was right, I did already have an answer. "Is he one too? I-I don't know what to believe anymore" Doflamingo had said he wasn't one but he had already lied about so many things. "You should come inside. It would be better if Law answered your questions" Smoker refused to give me a straight answer and every nerve in my body was telling me to get the hell away from him. "No"

"Why is she back here?" I nearly jumped when I heard another voice join the mix and when I turned to see who it was, I noticed it was Law. He didn't look happy although that could have been his normal expression. "I thought you were inside, Law"

"You thought wrong. Go back inside I am done helping her" I was surprised to hear that since just yesterday he was doing anything in his power to stop me from entering through the little door. "What has changed, Law?" I wanted to know as well but was glad Smoker was the one to ask him. "I have my orders not to interfere. He made himself very clear, I will not disobey him. Get rid of her I cannot stand the smell coming off her" Law was already turning away but I wanted to ask him something. "Did Doflamingo really kill your little s-"

"Shut up! I warned you about him and you didn't listen!" There was such anger in his voice. I didn't want to set him off more so remained quiet as his eyes glared into mine. "Law, calm down" Smoker shouldn't have said anything since Law had immediately started to speak, and with each word I felt myself flinch.

"That button-eyed freak can have you. I'm done being nice. Let's go, Smoker" Once Law had removed his hand from my throat, I could breathe again but I was too terrified to move. "Wasn't that a bit harsh Law?" They had already started back toward their home and I realized I needed to get out of there. Doflamingo was right, Law was dangerous. "I'm done caring. Until he returns, I will hate whoever I please" My feet had finally begun to listen just as they disappeared into the house. I wasn't running yet although I was preparing to just encase, he decided to come back.

Once I had gotten a safe distance away, I stopped before taking a seat on the ground. Taking a breath, I realized I could see the house just beyond the treeline although refused to get up as the tears started to fall. I shouldn't have had to deal with this and honesty even after knowing Doflamingo had lied to me I still had faith in him. He never hurt me or raised his voice; he made me safe and loved. That wasn't something I got much from my parents so even though I should have been running away from him I knew I needed to see him again.

I remained in place but when something landed on the ground I took it with my fingers, it was a pink feather. "This looks like the feathers on... Doffy... There's another one" I had already stood up from my spot and by the time I realized it I had already started following a trail of feathers that somehow were floating down from the sky. Eventually, I found myself standing on the back steps. He had led me home safely. Monsters didn't do that so because of that I knew somewhere in his heart, that man was good. Even if he had done terrible things in the past, I needed to hear his side of the story, I owed him that much.

"I'll see you tonight, Doffy"


To Be Continued...

Doflamingo x OC {Don't Open The Door} RemakeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum