There's a weak link in every chain, and it's just a matter of time before this one snaps.

Cat's POV:

"Headmistress Queller, you asked to see me?" I said as got escorted into her office. "Welcome, Ms. Humphrey, please take a seat." She said to me, and I admit, I felt apprehensive. Like I was stepping foot into a trap. "I've read your record. Quite impressive. Partial scholarship, tutoring through the work study program, honor student, and aspirations to go to Juilliard. I've also noticed that it seems like you've never gotten in trouble, not even one late slip. You're practically the model student." She told me. "Thank you." I said to her taking a breath of relief. "Which leads me to believe that you also know the importance of honesty." And the other shoe has dropped. "I do." Knowing that she was talking about the unauthorized pool party. 

"Who's responsible for breaking into the pool, Ms. Humphrey." This is where my acting skills would truly be put to the test. "I'm not sure how I can help you with that. I wasn't even there." I told her. "Yes but many of the students you tutor were. Along with your brother who's also on a scholarship." I wasn't sure I hear her right, but it sounded like she was trying to threaten me. 

"Most of the kids I tutor will act like I don't exist the moment they leave the tutoring center. And Dan was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Not to mention, you can't expel me for an event I didn't participate in." I pointed out to her. "True, but I can suspend you until you name names, which would hurt your scholarship and your college prospects." So she was threatening me, well she was messing with the wrong girl. "I do value of honesty, and my education. And if I really did know anything I would tell you, but as of right now, I'm just as in the dark as you are. But the minute I hear anything, I'll come straight to you." I told her with every amount of sincerity I could muster up. 

For a minute she looked straight into my eyes, trying to see if I'd crack under pressure, but my conviction was strong. "I knew I could rely on you." She said with a smile as she sat back in her chair, totally believing my act. "You may resume your classes, and remember, the moment you hear something.." "I'll report to you." I told her with a smile, as I left her office. 

I felt so proud of myself, not resorting to ratting anyone out just to save my own skin. But as I walked the halls, everyone was looking at me like I had a skunk on my head.

 Nick's POV:

Seeing as Blair was giving me the cold shoulder recently, I thought I would warm up her heart with some good old fashioned romance. "You're taking that paper seriously." Chuck said as he walked up to me in the back courtyard. "This isn't the paper. It's a love letter  to Blair." I told him. "A love letter?" Chuck said with disgust. "Who spayed you, man? Blair doesn't even want you. She's been crystal about that since we got back." "Didn't seem that way when she kissed me at the pool." I told him as I went back to the letter.  "She kissed you?" Chuck asked, acting surprised  for some reason. "Well, I kissed her, but...yeah." I said, not able to hold back my smile.

"What was she like? Into it, or was she more like--" Chuck started to inquire, but I shut him down almost immediately. "Of course she was into it man. What do you think?" "Yeah, I know, but, you know Blair." Chuck reminded me. "Yes, I do." I concurred. "I just think she wants me to work for it a little more, you know? Show her that I think she's worth it." I suggested. "And she's definitely worth it. Believe me."

Cat's POV:

Cat's POV:

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