No, that's all. Good luck with that meeting. I'll see you Monday morning. Then you can meet Olivia yourself.

Sounds like a plan. See you on Monday.

I hang up just as the stop is announced. I grab my bag and leave the subway. People rush past me, not even greeting and that's typical New York, I guess. I can feel the nerves rushing through my body when her apartment comes into view. I try to distract myself by watching children play on the playground, people who are laughing and eating ice cream, and a few people who are walking their dogs. But how hard I try to let it distract me, it doesn't work.

My mind is freaking out. Not just because of the talk, I need to have but also because of last night. Serena was amazing but I feel guilty that I wasn't thinking about her. The only person I thought about was Chloe. I was lying close to someone else and all I could think of was Chloe. How I want to hold her and touch her the way only I can. I bet Chicago doesn't even know some of her favorite spots. Ugh, she's stuck in my head and how hard I try, I just can't seem to get her out of it! But she did break my heart in two and it shouldn't, but I know it still beats for her.

I sigh as I'm in front of her door. I move my hand up to knock but don't knock. My nerves get the best of me as I take a step back. The "what if's" are playing through my mind, holding me back. She's the closest to Chloe, why would she want to let me in? Maybe just to punch me because of how I'm treating Chloe.

I speak some encouraging words to myself, before stepping forward and knock on the door. I wait patiently but for some time nothing happens. I turn around, rubbing my face with my hands. I know I shouldn't have come. She won't even open the door!

But it's at that moment that the door opens. I quickly turn back around, expecting to see Nina but that's not who I see. Right in front of me stands the girl I can't get out of my head. The ocean blue eyes that hypnotized me back at the activity fair. Even her shocked face is gorgeous and for a moment I forget why I'm here in the first place. Chloe is the first who finds her voice, as she says my name. I see tears form in her eyes and before I can react, her arms are around my body, pulling me close to her. I let it happen for a moment before pulling back.

,,Chloe, who is it?" Now Nina walks over to us, looking up, holding her bracelet. Once she sees me, her face is shocked.

,,Hello." I say while standing awkwardly. Nina's face changes.

,,What are you doing here?!" Her tone is cold and harsh.

,,I want to talk to you."

,,Well, I don't want to talk to you! The way you're treating my sister right now is not okay!"

,,I know, okay! I was so hurt and it's easier to push everyone away."

,,Yeah, for you maybe! I won't talk to you, so you can leave."

,,Nina, please. I'm trying to figure everything out. I've heard so many stories and I don't know which ones are true. Hell, I don't even know who to trust anymore." I plea and her expression soften. She's about to turn me down again when Chloe interrupts.

,,Nien, just hear her out for a few minutes. I'll be waiting in the car." Nina sighs as Chloe leaves, letting me in the apartment. Nina crosses her arms.

,,Just ask your questions. I don't have much time."

,,First I want to know why Chloe lives here. Didn't she have that apartment in Brooklyn?"

,,She did but she got thrown out. She couldn't afford it anymore." I think back to the conversation I had with Wyatt. That morning when he was happy someone lost their house. Was that about Chloe? ,,Ever since the diner burned down, Chloe couldn't earn money anymore. I took her and Ryan in and I don't regret that."

,,Wait, Wyatt was happy about Chloe losing her house?"

,,Oh, I'm sure he was. He treated Chloe like trash! If I see that boy ever near Chloe again, I'll make sure he ends up in the hospital!"

,,I have been to Mrs. Fuller. So everything she said about Wyatt is true?"

,,Yes. Wyatt has been awful!"

,,Can you please tell me your side of the night that Chloe and Chicago had sex? You walked in on them, right?"

,,Unfortunately, but will you be reasonable and listen? I know Emily, Emma and Aubrey have tried to reason with you." I look down in shame.

,,I was just so hurt. Stacie told me a lot and hearing that Chloe had sex with somebody else, broke my heart."

,,Stacie is a snake. Ever since she knew about that night, she ignored Chloe and set everyone against her. First Wyatt and then your parents. She even tried to set up Liam and Emma against her but they refused. I can't believe you just believe everything she says."

,,She's my best friend."

,,No she's not. Not anymore. A best friend will never do this. Stacie knows you still love Chloe and by telling lies, she succeeded to set you up against her."

,,But she didn't lie. Chloe had sex with Chicago and has his child."

,,And has she told you that Chloe felt horrible? That she couldn't look at herself in the mirror? That she didn't eat or barely slept? That's until she found out about the pregnancy. At first, she was mad about it but after reading YOUR list of names for your children, she decided to keep it so she could name her child the way you liked so you would be with her. Did you know that?!" I shake my head, not knowing what to say. ,,So yes, I walked in on them. It was not a pretty sight but as soon as I saw Chloe's face, my anger left my body. She felt so guilty about what she had done. Chicago, on the other hand, just laughed. He didn't get out of her until Chloe asked him to."

,,What should I know more?"

,,Chicago and Chloe talked about the pregnancy. Chicago was so shocked that he first said to get married as if that would fix everything! Chloe just left and later they both agreed to raise Ryan. Chicago couldn't do much because he had to serve in the army. Chloe was left to raise Ryan herself and she did an amazing job."

,,Thank you for explaining." I tell Nina. ,,Can I ask you one more question?" Nina takes a look at the clock.

,,Okay, fine. One more question but then I have to go. Chloe is waiting for me." I nod as I think about the question.

,,Did Chloe forget about me? Did she think I was dead?"

,,Of course, she did." I look down, hurt. ,,Everyone thought you were dead, Beca." Nina continues. ,,But that changed when Kara found out about the islands. Chloe had a pinboard with every article from the accident. From the moment she found out about the islands, she followed the authorities. Crossing away islands where they didn't find you. And besides that, she took care of Ryan."

,,I haven't seen any pinboard."

,,That's because you choose to ignore my sister! Look, I'm glad that you listened but that doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you for the way you treat Chloe!" She walks me out of the apartment. ,,Continue your search for answers and let people explain. Until then, just don't come near Chloe. I won't let you break her heart even more!" I nod understanding as I watch her leave. I'm grateful Nina told me a lot and I'll make sure to investigate further. I won't stop until I know the whole truth!

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن