Annabeth: Lapifors

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 A/N Shuck this new writing view! When I copy and paste form Google Docs, it doesn't keep any of the lines/indents so I have to REDO all of it or it's in a big clump. ARGH!

Sorry I didn't post in forever. Hopefully will post more soon around the end of May, etc. Thanks for reading, though! I appreciate any comments or votes!

"I'm done with this. I already know I'm failing Transfiguration." Piper let the tomato that was supposed to be a bunny by now roll onto her unfinished History of Magic essay. Annabeth pointed her wand at the innocent tomato. 

 "Lapifors," she whispered and a starburst encircled the tomato. Within an instant, it wasn't a tomato any more but a small rabbit. 

 "Why can't the spells be based off Greek? I'm sure Jason is doing just great at everything, knowing Latin and all." Piper crossed her arms over her chest and blew a tendril of chocolate hair out of her face. "Plus, there aren't any shops that sell hair feathers in Hogsmeade and this one is looking more dead than you alone in Tartarus." She pulled her current white feather up over her head so Annabeth could see.

 "Oh, I'm sorry, little baby bunny munchkins. Do you need a hug?" Annabeth made a sweet puppy face that looked more like angry-owl-deluxe-eating-Warheads. Hazel, who was lying on a velvet couch reading a Nancy Drew novel while an enchanted hairbrush brushed the ectoplasm (Stolls again) out of her hair and threw it into the crackling fireplace, pointed her wand at Piper. "Scourgify." The feather was returned to its former glory. 

 "Looks like someone's better at magic than you, Chase." Piper smirked and leaned back in her chair. Her nonchalant movement was ruined as the chair tilted toward the ground and-There was a flash of white light and then Piper was dangling by her ankle from the ceiling. 

 "Totally deserved it," said Jaclyn from her spot near the fire. Annabeth looked up at Piper, who was trying to keep her robes from flipping over her head. 

 "I've learned a few things from Hermione," said Annabeth. "Does Pipey-mipey want to keep complaining now?" Annabeth laid an overzealous kiss on Piper's forehead just as someone stormed into the common room.

 "Need a break from Jackson, do you?" said Draco Malfoy. He sneered. Hazel and Annabeth rolled their eyes in sync, though Hazel's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. 

 "If anyone needs a break, I think it's Parkington from you. Did you see her with... " In an instant, three things happened. Malfoy lunged for the coffee table the girls were sprawled around, Annabeth pointed her wand at the blonde eighth-year, and Piper was fell to the ground as Annabeth's concentration broke. Before anyone could be mortally injured, Hazel sat up and held her wand out in front of her. 

 "Protego totalum!" A luminescent dome encircled the girls. Malfoy fell face first into what he presumed was empty space, but smacked against an invisible wall. 

 "Hazel. That. Was. Amazing." Hazel looked up at Annabeth with wide eyes."I have no idea what I just did and-" Hazel fell back onto the couch. Her eyes closed. 

 "Exerted herself too much." Annabeth lifted her onto the couch as her protection charm fizzled out. 

 Malfoy was livid.The dictionary defines livid as; "enraged; furiously angry." But although Draco Malfoy was both enraged and furiously angry he also embodied the other meaning of the word. "having a discolored, bluish appearance caused by a bruise, congestion of blood vessels, strangulation, etc., as the face, flesh, hands or nails." The only difference was that Malfoy wasn't livid because of any of those factors, but because his dignity had been damaged beyond repair. And Jaclyn was obviously gossiping with all the other Slytherins by now, telling about how Malfoy had fallen for a first-year's protection charm. So, yes, his face was flushed quite indigo by now and his fists were clenching and re-clenching at his sides. He hadn't even bothered to see if the spell had done any damage to his face when he had fallen over. 

 Annabeth and Piper shared a look as they digested this information. The look was not one of shared humor. It usually was, whether they were secretly giggling about Percy and Jason, or remembering their inside joke about stealing each other's breakfast. Now it was a look that said, "we-have-to-appeal-to-this-dude-or-else-he-will-hurt-us-immensely-and-Percy/Jason-will-do-something-dumb-to-avenge-us." 

 "Um, Malfoy, is it?" started Piper, wringing her hands. She would use Charmspeak if it came to that, but for now, she didn't want to take advantage of him. The poor guy had just fallen face-first into a forcefield in front of everyone in the Slytherin common room. 

 Apparenly, other house members hadn't been allowed into other common rooms before. But after the Battle of Hogwarts, Piper had said after a stern talking-to from McGonagall, Hogwarts' main mission was the reunite the students. So, step-by-step, they were trying to bring them together, starting with allowing houses to mingle in common rooms and such. This was great for the demigods, because they weren't all in the same house and when Annabeth needed a break from Jason and Percy's relentless bantering about who would actually have won when they faced off in Kansas, she could slip away to another common room. She'd taken to studying with Piper and Hazel in the Slytherin common room on Tuesdays and Thursdays to finish homework of the classes they shared. Sometimes Frank would come down. Percy and Jason would never; they spent much of their spare time trying to catch up on all the years they had missed of Quidditch. The team captain had said they couldn't join until they were "sufficient players." Annabeth was pretty sure from reading between the lines that he didn't want spazzy, out of control Percy and/or Jason messing up his immaculate team. Harry had stared them down when they had asked, too, daring them to beg. 

 They hadn't. Overall, the Gryffindor Quidditch team's dignity had been held in place and Malfoy's had not.

 "Yes." said Malfoy curtly, acknowledging Piper's acknowledgment. 

 "Well, we're really sorry about what happened. Our friend-Hazel-""I don't want your apologies, Chase." Malfoy ran his hands through his glistening hair. "But I do have some news I'd like you to deliver to your little demigod friends." He sneered. 

 "What?" Annabeth could barely hold back her curiosity. What did Malfoy, the cocky, haughty eighth-year have to say to them? According to Hermione, he was showing his soft side as he hadn't called them "filthy half-breeds" yet. 

 "Well, Hecate has been captured." Annabeth felt like a dam had broken in her mind. She'd completely forgotten about Hecate's kidnapping. "We knew that, Malfoy," said Annabeth, feigning remembrance. 

 "That's not the least of it. McGonagall thinks you have something to do with it... that this is all a plan for sabotage. Now, go run and tell your little friends. And that if I were you, I'd run now. I know what it's like to have all of Hogwarts against you." And without another word, Malfoy turned around and glided down the hallway to his room.

 "Go?" asked Annabeth.

 "Go." replied Piper. They pulled a knit blanket over Hazel, gathered their books, and took off running.

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