Annabeth: Introductions and the Great McGonagall

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Annabeth didn’t care that Arnold said the school played Russian Roulette every year, or that the wizards and witches had captured Hecate. She didn’t care about anything but the architecture of Hogwarts. The arched ceilings, the paintings artfully placed around the walls, the stone floors echoing the perfect amount of syrupy laughter, the stony flourishes above the doorways. It was amazing. She knew that Percy was skeptically staring at her as she gaped at the windows showing off luscious lawns and the-wait for it-moving stairs. Oh! The possibilities! Annabeth itched to get out her sketchbook. It had been a gift from Percy, and in it, she had drawn architectural ideas or any other things that popped into her mind. She preserved things she saw that she could later note and memos to herself. It had become an attachment of her arm at this point.

Hermione led the group of demigods down a few hallways until they reached a large dining hall. Students were situated at long, mahogany tables that ran up and down the length of the hall. Floating candles leisurely flickered in the air. The ceiling was not a bunch of rafters like Annabeth had expected, but a sky full of twinkling stars and planets. Annabeth gasped and Percy grabbed her hand tightly. She could practically feel his nervousness pulsing through the skin on his hand.  

“This is the Great Hall. We eat here and such. The ceiling is  bewitched to look like the sky outside. In Hogwarts, A History, it is-” Ron cut her off with a loud cough. She glared at him, but it turned into a smile within seconds. “anyway, Ronald, you can go sit down if you’d like. I’m going to go bring these, um, people to Professor McGonagall.” She pushed a frizz of hair behind her ear.

“I’m fine, Granger.” As the motley group made their way to the table at the front of the Great Hall, wizards and witches clothed in black robes and pointy hats turned and stared. A girl with long blonde hair gaped at Annabeth. She shot her an icy glare. She heard Percy snigger behind her.

“What?” she asked accusingly.

“Um, nothing, dearest,” said Percy, face red with exertion from trying not to laugh. Apparently her icy glare wasn’t as ice-queeny as it had been last year. Darn Tartarus’s humidity.

“Dearest? Really?”

Percy turned away and pulled Nico to him in a desperate act to conceal his laughter. Nico was crushed in Percy’s arms. Will scowled.

Hermione didn’t seem to notice. She fearlessly led the way up to the platform at the front of the hall, where a woman with brown hair pulled into a severe bun stood. A small smile flickered across her face, fast as Tyson when encountering a Monster Donuts shop.

“Ah, hello. Potter, Granger,” said the woman, forgetting the redhead, Ron. Harry grinned.

“Professor, we were just bringing up the, um, children.” Annabeth caught a glimpse of a scar under his untidy mop of dark hair.

“We’re called demigods and we’re not children,” said Annabeth. She stepped forwards, the robes swishing around her ankles. “I’m Annabeth Chase, and these are some fellow campers from Camp Half-Blood.” She gestured at the cluster of demigods around her.

“Why, hello, Annabeth. I hope the robes fit well?”

“Yes, thank you,” said Annabeth. Hermione glowered behind her mane of brown hair.

“I’m sorry to embarrass you, but I feel the need to make an announcement about your coming here. I am Professor McGonagall, by the way. Please feel free to join the first-years,” she pointed to a large group of nervous-looking eleven-year-olds gathered in a corner.

Annabeth sighed, but still led everyone to the corner. Hermione, Ron, and Harry didn’t seem to miss them as they also departed for one of the long tables. Many of the students had grim looks on their faces as they silently awaited McGonagall.

Annabeth saw darkness engulfing Nico’s legs. He looked upset. Leo stood next to him. He had a look on his face, that sort of made him look like he was constipated. She hoped he wouldn’t set anything on fire. Hazel followed, also looking stressed. She guessed that it was probably because this was her first time back in school since, well, whenever she’d been alive before. And her school experience hadn’t exactly been amazing. Frank grabbed her hand, and she looked up at him and smiled. The Stolls were muttering under their breath. Annabeth caught something about toilet covers, wheezes, and twins. She really didn’t want to know. Piper was playing with the feather in her hair, and Jason was adjusting his robes. Will Solace brought up the rear, looking gloomy.

The large group huddled together in a corner. Annabeth watched the stars glow above their heads as they waited for all the students to file into the hall. Percy played with a strand of her hair.

“Annabeth… “ The boy who had killed minotaur at twelve, traveled through Tartarus, jumped off the Gateway arch and even saved the world multiple times looked small against the stone wall. “something doesn’t feel right.”

Before Annabeth could respond, McGonagall cleared her throat. A thousand heads snapped towards her.

“Welcome,” she said.


AAAAH I just had a large realization. I have to make up a song for the Sorting Hat. If anyone has ideas PLEASEPLEASE put them in the comments. Thanks!

A Tale of Gods and MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora