Draco: Half-Black Cat

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A/N Yet another filler chapter w/ some Piper! Descriptions ideas of the common room from: http://tinygayitalian.tumblr.com/post/115826628303/mahrtell-some-slytherin-dormitory-headcanons

May not post for awhile

Malfoy slowed his relentless pace once he reached the stone wall with a nick next to the painting of a skull. A droplet of foul-smelling water pinged against his nose as he took a step forwards. Malfoy wiped the water away, leaving a trace of green behind, and pulled his wand out. 

 "Reparo!" there was a snap and then the dripping stopped. Malfoy twirled his wand between his fingers, then slipped it back into the folds of his robes.

 "Half-black cat," Malfoy whispered, and a door slid back from its cleverly disguised position among the brinks. Malfoy took a long stride into the room, shining with a dull green light. As he entered, he grabbed his wand out again.

 "Lumos!" he shouted, and a globe of light appeared on the end of his wand, illuminating a group of second-years huddled around a mahogany coffee table. They all grabbed their things and scurried away from the couch. Malfoy sighed and pointed his wand at the various hearths lining the room. "why didn't someone bother to fire these up?" 

A girl with a high ponytail of multicolored hair shot him a dark look. "Some of us have better things to do," said the girl. She tightened her ponytail and returned to her tome.

 "Like what? Dying your hair obscene colors?" he muttered, but didn't bother to say it louder. It was a well-known fact that Jaclyn Forte could beat anyone in a comeback contest. With a murmured Incendio, the hearths burst into bright flames, casting light on the chandeliers shimmering with crystals, the green-and-silver lavish rugs strewn in front of the fireplaces, and the various marble busts of famous Slytherins, with slots underneath filled with sheaves of paper detailing how they gained fame. Underneath the niches were corkboards where Slytherins over the years had posted their thoughts on the person, how it could affect, them, and so on. Malfoy was happy to say he had posted a piece of monogrammed paper with his writing on every one of the busts. 

 "Specialis revelio." The before-stone ceiling changed to a view of the bottom of the lake, the scene lit up by bioluminescent weeds lining the lake. Malfoy snapped his head around, trying to figure out who had executed the spell. 

 "Wow, that actually worked. Ohmigods, Jaclyn... oh, hello." A short girl with a sparkling eyes popped up from behind the high-back of one of the chairs facing the opposite side of the room. A book fell to the ground as she stood up. Contrary to the three other students in the common room, she was wearing a pair of worn-in jeans, a black tee shirt with symbols on it (was that Greek?) and a pair of striped toe socks. A cornucopia was leaning against one of the legs of her chair. 

 "I'm Piper, Piper McLean." She held out a hand. Malfoy gave her a scathing look and kept his hand at his side.

 "You can call me Malfoy, actually. And how did you know that spell? Only Head Boys and Girls are allowed to know and use it." Malfoy loosened his tie. Piper's back didn't cave nor did her cheeks turn a shade of red, as Malfoy had expected. 

 "My friend taught it to me. She's tutoring me. Who are you anyway, all tall and blond and trying to intimidate me?" She crossed her arms over her chest."If you're trying to get a date with me, it's not working." Malfoy chuckled and threw himself onto the couch, mind already on other topics. Like finding that Nico-boy and figuring out what the green smoke was and-

 "Tell me who you are." the girl's words were sharp and rich and clear and honey pouring over him. He was caught in the sticky, syrupy feel of them. Of course he wanted to tell Piper who he was! The words flowed out of his mouth. "Draco Malfoy." 

 "Thank you," said Piper. "I also already have a boyfriend." 

 Malfoy sat up straight. 

 What had just happened and-


 "Ow!" a peeled Mandarin orange had just hit him in the chest. "What happ-"

 But the girl was already halfway down the twisting corridor to the girls' dormitory, leaving behind an echoing laugh, a stamp of mud from the hiking boots she must've just pulled on, and an aura of mystery.

 "Charmspeak. She's one of the demigods, daughter of Aphrodite. Taken by Jason Grace, son of... Jupiter? So no, she's not into you. Not everyone is, actually." Jaclyn leaned back in her chair and popped a chickpea into her mouth. What was it with the random food today? Malfoy just wanted some time to plot and plan... and do his homework. 

 "Okay, great, thanks, Jaclyn-the-stalker." Malfoy kicked her chair back onto all four legs. "As the teachers like to say, all six legs on the ground." A memory flashed into Malfoy's mind, hot and bright. Goyle. Leaning back in his chair. Crabbe, telling him the same thing Malfoy had just said and-No. 

 Some things were best left forgotten. 

 Malfoy readjusted the satchel over his shoulder and set off down the hallway behind the swiveling bookcase for one of the many conference rooms. He had work to do and a case to crack. Also, an orange to eat.

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