chapter 20 : Philippines

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Phil woke up from his bed he grabbed the phone that was beside him checking his phone that was spamed will messages yesterday but now no notifications where popping up but he was blocked by Brunei . Phil rolled his eyes and got out bed carefully going to the kitchen. When he reached the kitchen he grabbed the cartoon of milk from the fridge pouring it in a glass and Phil walked to the table with the glass of milk on his hand and sat down on the table. He thought about what happened yesterday once he thought about it Phil hand a bunch of mix expressions sad , angry , confused and other emotions he wanted all of it to go away ,he wanted to run from everything for awhile after a while of thinking a light bulb popped out his head what if he ran away with anyone not knowing ? Without thinking twice he ran to his room. He opened his bathroom door carefully avoiding the broken glass around he got the scissors that was on the sink and carefully gave himself a haircut like marcial law taught him after that he grabbed a pair of shades in the small cabinet in front of him and also got a face mask and a base ball cap after that Phil got changed which he wore a pair of black jeans along with a black Jaket after that he went out the bathroom wearing a pair of black sneakers and

Grabbing a his satchel And grabbing a few clothes where he will use for the next tree days in his land , Phil grabbed other few things before going out of his room He checked his watch It was 4am , Phil closed the door to his room locking it so no one would enter. he then peeked at mex's door that was slightly opened he wanted bid good bye but he wanted no one to notice he ran away for a 3 days but again he doesn't want mex to get worried about him so phil oped his room again using his keys writing a note in case mex kicked down his room door after writing the note Phil left it on his bed the again he left the room quietly clossing the door then locking it and tiptoed along the hallway avoiding making loud noises before finally going out the door locking the door from inside and started walking ,Phil then stopped a taxi along the way . he opened the door as he got in "where to ?" The taxi driver asked him "to the airport please" Phil politely responded he checked his watch It was already 5am "and please hurry" Phil added

"No need to worry sir , the road is empty cause it's still early morning" the taxi driver said , "oh , okay and thank you" Phil said "if you don't mind asking are you dressed like that ?" The taxi driver asked "Let's just say I wasn't allowed to go out but it's an emergency" Phil responded "if its an emergency fine then the taxi driver said driving ....minutes later they arrived at the airport "thanks for the ride" Phil said giving the driver a little huge amount of money "no sir , I can't accept this it's too much" the taxi driver uttered "no, please accept it think of it as a gift" Phil said "thank you so much sir" the taxi driver thanked Phil after that both bid good bye as Phil entered the airport booking a flight to his land .... minutes again passed Phil patiently waited for his flight until the airport announced the flight to his land . Phil stood up from his seat and when to the airplane where he was greeted by an employee "ticket and passport please" the employee said as he cheated Phil's passport.

"Sir , can i check your face to make sure you're the person in the photo ?" The employee said as Phil pulled down his face mask and removed his shades for a moment before putting them back on again "Okay then sir " the employee said approving him .....when Phil a finally got in the plane he looked for his seat number when he found it he sat down "Okay everyone we are about to go after 5 minutes please take a your seats" the pilot said

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