chapter 10: leave for Paris

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~months later ~

Phil was in sitting in his seat in class as usual . He glanced at the window that was just beside him , he looked at China's seat 'that's weird he hasn't come to school since the day we had detention' Phil said to himself "Mr. Phil where you listening ?" The professor called Phil's attention "the limit does not exist" Phil stood from his seat "that is an answer to something but where talking about economics" the teacher blubbered as everyone in the class laughed at Phil as Phil sat down embarrassed while the teacher continued the discussion . The bell rang finally it was time for the next class the other students went out the door leaving Phil in the room putting books in his his bag or that's what he thought "hey" Austria went up to him "oh hey" Phil spoke "what happened a while ago ?" He teased "I don't know it's just came up" phil says "it just I don't know I did- kno-" Phil added "seems to me you need a break" Austria says "a break from what ?" Phil used his bag pack "I don't know everything ? I mean you've been busy from studying for the test tomorrow" Austria spoke
"I guess you're right" Phil says "are you free tomorrow then ?" Austria asked "yeah after fencing " Phil responded "meet me at the library" Austria said as they went their separate ways .
Phil walked to his next classroom he opened the door and walked to his seat and sat down as the professor walked in the classroom "Okay bring out your notebooks" the professor brought out a walk from the chalk box . Phil brought out his note book and a ballpen then he started taking notes. After class Phil went to the cafeteria and met his fellow Asean friends talking and laughing as usual.

Phil got his food And went up to them "how's class ?" Thailand asked "fine actually I just got one question wrong" Phil responded "and I met Austria" as Phil said that indo and the others started gushing "what's wrong ?" Phil asked "didn't you know Austria has a big crush on you ?" Laos giggled "no , I know that's ridiculous I thought he liked Germany-" Phil was cut of by a voice behind him "who has a crush on you?" France says "God you better stop sneaking up behind me" phil Said "oh sorry anyway I just wanted to tell you something" France said as he looked at Phil's southeast Asia friends "what?" Phil said "nevermind I'll tell you later" France said and walked away .


France walked away to his brother's table and watched as they argued "that's disgusting" ame said "No it's not you haven't even tried it" Australia muttered "marmite is better" new Zeal argued "hell no maple syrup is better" Canada continued "what are you drinking ?"UK asked the American "cola" America answered "tea is healthier" UK argued "tea is just flavored water" ame says "How dare you" UK was about to trow a biscuit to the America. But UK was stopped by Canada "why are you quite?" Canada asked "and a bit blue" UK spoke "it's just f*** there's this boy-" France was interrupted by America "oh who is it ?" He smirked "he doesn't know that i-i" France was cut off by New Zeal "you like him" new Zeal said "yeah and worst I think another country likes him and I'm leaving for Paris so that means he might fall for the other country" France says. The bell rang it was time for the fourth class "I'll see you guys later" France grabbed his bag "yeah we'll see you too mate" Austria says
As France walked away for his next class


~time skip (cause I'm lazy )~

Classes where finally over Phil went to the school gym and used his fencing suit and started warming up "phil" France who wasn't in his fencing gear went up to Phil "there's something I want to tell you" France muttered "wh-" Phil was cut off by their instructor "France get in your suit" the
Instructor says "we'll talk later I promise" Phil says as France agreed . France got in his fencing gear "everyone grab a partner" their instructor says while a person in the same white suit came up to Phil as he removed his mask "wanna partner up ?" S.korea asked "Sure" Phil agreed

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