chapter 16 : ???

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Phil woke up again from his alarm he got out the bed  opening his window inhaling the fresh breeze 'better get ready for school again' he says closing the windows again like every morning he went in his bathroom with a bath towel in his hands and opened the shower and took off his clothes before stepping into the shower then Phil brushed his teeth and put on the uniform he just washed last
Night , Phil then neatly comb his hair and left his room dragging his bagpack while he struggled to put on his shoes on his way out before closing the door

He then arrived at the kitchen where he didn't see mex but saw a note on the table that read :

Dear Phil ,

I hope you didn't mind if I went to school early and I'm
Too lazy to send you this massage though my phone
Have a good morning and by the way if you're looking
For the peanut butter it's on the forth drawer  to your right ....anyways bye gotta go


phil then got a loft of bread from one of the drawer before opening the forth drawer where he saw the peanut butter . phil then got a butter knife and spread the peanut butter on the loft of bread making a peanut butter sandwich he checked his watch seeing he only hand 10 minutes before school starts .phil then put back the peanut butter and bread where phil got them and left the butter knife on the sink before grabbing his bag pack and got on of his jaket from the coat hangger . he open the door surprised to see austria waiting for phil out the door  "good morning" aust greeted phil "m-morning " phil greeted back . silence  surrounded them for  a while before aust spoke again "c'mon we better go to school before class starts" aust said with his car keys on his hand "right" phil spoke "i'll drive" aust says as phil agreed as he walked to aust's car as aust opens up the car and phil got into his car . and started driving the car 

~time skip~ 

both reached the school phil got off the car "thanks for the ride" phil says staring into aust's amber eyes "yeah , see you later" aust said as phil  closed the car door  ending the stare . seeing aust as he parked his car "what are you looking at" viet said putting his arm around phil's neck leaving phil a bit startled "nothing" phil responded with viet looking to the direction where phil was looking at before phil's response where he saw aust leaving his car "ohh looking out for your boyfriend i see~ " viet says smirking . "do you have anything important to do ?" phil said annoyed "no" viet proudly responded "where's malay and indo ?" 

"i was currently looking for them earlier have you seen them ?" viet asked "no" phil responded . it wasn't long before the school bell rang making both viet and phil go to their classrooms and went their separate ways . walking through the halls phil a little dizzy feeling a headache he stopped walking for a sec putting his hand on his forehead standing there for a sec before he felt that the pain was now gone , since it was gone he later planned that to later go to the school clinic phil  then continued walking to his classroom . phil turned the door nob to his classroom seeing his classmates acting like kids some where where drawing on the blackboard drawing ridiculous drawings , some where throwing paper balls , while others where eating which isn't allowed , phil walked up to his seat and sat down just in time their professor went  in the classroom looking mad "everyone go to your seats !" their professor yelled as everyone obeyed him .

the professor closed the door "everyone bring out your notebooks but before that" the professor sighed "announcement a meeting will be held later afternoon , held by the principal UN please to student council room later after classes and only countries will have to attend" the professor added "and now back to the lesson" the professor says grabbing a chalk 

~times skip~

all the classes where over phil went out of the classroom where he met aust out the door "how's class this time ?" aust asked "fine did you heard about the meeting ?" phil asked "yeah i've heard" both started talking and walked to the student council room . both opened the door while holding hands and saw a bunch of countries already well seated on their seated both phil and aust sat down as more and more countries entered the room untill the all the 195 seats in the room where filled with countries that made the room noisy untill UN , ASEAN , EU , and NATO entered the room and the room became silent "did we do something wrong ?" ......."why did they call us here?"......"are they going to suspend us all ?" the room was filled with a lot of answers  .


(that's all for today sorry i rushed this chapter and i know i said i was going to name this chapter "one step forward and three steps back" but i thought about it and i realized that it didn't match the chapter so yeah bye for now.......)

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