chapter 6 : bruise and a broken hand

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"You two can go now" the nurse said to ame and UK while two of them got up and left the school clinic and went to the guidance office like their other professor said , Phil was bitting the pain while the nurse wrapped a bandage around his hand while Brunei calmed Phil down "and done" the nurse said "now don't move your left hand too much but it's a good thing it's not your right hand" the nurse added "so does that mean we can go now ?"  Brunei asked "Sure" the nurse agreed as Brunei helped Phil stand up "Thanks" Phil thanked the nurse "no problem" the nurse smiled as Brunei and Phil went out the school clinic "where to next ?" Brunei asked "you can just drop me off the guidance office and go" Phil requested "Okay" Brunei says .

"I know we're close but thanks anyway" Phil said also thanking Brunei "it's nothing I was just surprised that you punched ame on the face" Brunei chuckled while the rest of the walk they stayed silent.

When they arrived at the guidance office Phil was about to go but he looked behind and thanked Brunei one more time  before opening the door seeing America already seated "first China and now America , Phil what is going on with you ?" Asean who was the guidance counselor was  disappointed "he started it" phil complained "if you only agreed to talk to me this wouldn't happen" America defeated himself "enough both of you !" Asean handed them both a bond paper "explain both of your sides write it in this bond paper" Asean also gave them both ballpens because they left their things in the classroom. Both of them explained their story honestly after they where done  they handed their work to Asean.  Asean read it and we'll scolded both of them "Okay I will not put you in detention but you two will promise me not to do such thing like this" Asean said massaging his head

"Promise" Phil said still rolling his eyes at the American "promise" Ame said glaring at Phil "and you both should apologize to each other" Asean added.  Both Phil and ame glared at each other in hatred without Asean noticing "now I'm afraid you two missed out one of your classes but never mind you two can carry on with lunch time" Asean said

Both ame and Phil stood up from their  seats exiting the guidance office both didn't talk but with their glaring you can tell that they officially hate each other. Phil went to his locker first and getting note books for the next subject after lunch time , ame on the other hand went ahead to the cafeteria and sat down with his brothers


"Dude , what happened to your face" new Zeal pointed out "non of  your f*** business " ame said eating his one of his brother's burger "long story Phil punched him on the face during  our second class" ( yeah they don't have the same schedules) "I'm sorry what ?" France choked of his apple juice
"And there he is" Australia said as they watched Phil came in the cafeteria with a bandage around his hand "what did f*** did you do with his hand ?" Canada whispered "it's not my fault his hand is fragile" ame spoke out


Phil noticed that ame and his brothers was watching him he ignored them . Phil got his food And surprised to see his Asean friends all in one table "phil !" Malay shouted giving Phil a signal to sit with them , Phil walked to the table carrying his tray of food using his right hand . He placed his food on the table and sat down "what happened to your hand ?" Indo asked , Phil sighed "I punched ame on the face" Phil said opening a bottle of water "why did you do it ?" Singa asked "he was kicking my chair and annoying me so I did it" ( and Phil has a bad temper by the wayPhil said in a soft voice "ohh Phil..." Brunei sighed "what else did you do" Vietnam said a bit smirking letting out a chuckle "since I realized my hand was broken I bit him" Phil says chewing on his food. They were all speechless except for Brunei .

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