chapter 19 : chapter 19

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Okay I'll try to publish 2 chapter in one day starting Tomorrow cause I need to finish this book before August 15 cause my school will start and I'm afraid I don't have time to write so anyways here is chapter 19


"W-why di-d you call me here ?" Phil panted as worried his heart began to beat as if his heart was about to  burst

Aust closed his book putting his book aside and threw the apple that was on his hand . "Our scheduled date silly" aust said with Phil still panting and he sighed in relief "what's wrong ?" Aust asked.

"No it's nothing" phil said as he stopped panting "where to ?" Phil added "well have you eaten yet ?" ....."no" Phil answered
"C'mon then" aust grabbed Phil's arm

Phil then started having butterflies in his stomach. Aust opened the door to his car and Phil got in then aust got in the car using the left car door then he plugged his car keys in and started driving...

Minutes later they arrived at a 5 star restaurant "whoa this place is expensive" Phil said looking out the tinted windows "you shouldn't have" Phil added "no its okay" aust said parking the car at the parking lot

Then both got off the car and aust locked his car then both went inside the restaurant where they where greeted by an employee "Good afternoon , do you two have a reservation?" The employee asked

"Yes we do" aust responded "name please" the employee said as he opened a thick book full of names "Austria" aust says "ahh please come in" the employee says as he called another employee leading them to a fancy table

"Here we are" the employee placed a menu on the table while aust pulled out a chair for Phil as he sat down then got the menu then aust sat down the other chair that was just infront  Phil.  Aust sat down with him reading the menu .

"What would you two like" another employee said with a pen in his hand and a note pad at the other side of his hands , "one beef steak with vegetables" aust says "Ok , and what would you also like" the employee asked phil

"Same as the one he ordered" Phil said closing the menu handing it to the employee "Okay sir , please wait shortly" the employee said walking away

Phil brought out his broken phone he opened it and noticed his phone was flooded with messages from a group chat with people he doesn't know , he opened the group chat seeing death treats,  Phil read one massage that said 'f*** you Phil for playing with aust your such a waste to become a country leader' .

Phil then continued reading other messages from random people "Sir,  hear is your orders" the waiter brought their orders putting it gently on the table. Phil turned off his phone while aust started eating.

Phil then started eating... after eating aust received a phone call aust answer it . "Excuse me" aust said to Phil as he nodded "what , that's we aren't pretending" aust uttered through his phone , Phil then started to worry when he heard aust he knew in that moment that was hungry through the phone

"Yeah ok bye" aust said with anger in his voice as he hangged up "you told them didn't you !" Aust said angrily "it was an accident , aust I was drunk" Phil said "I'm sorry" Phil added "too late it was a f***** up mistake liking you anyway" aust spoke putting the money to pay for the food on the table as walked out leaving Phil on the table with people around him giving weird stares

Phil then also left the restaurant walking home as the sky turned Grey with tears started to form in his eyes he ran home he didn't care if he will have a head ache again,  he didn't  care he ran home again people gave him weird stares.

Once he reached the apartment he kicked the door open  he ran to his room passing mex who was with his friends at that moment "Phil!" Mex who was surprised  called his name but Phil locked himself in his room "what happened to him ?" Mex's friends said

Phil who locked himself in his room opened his phone seeing more , more messages flood his phone he couldn't take it anymore he threw his cellphone on his bed and he broke down crying and yelling walking to his bathroom seeing his reflection in the mirror.

He punched the mirror making the broken pieces of the mirror scatter on the ground while Phil's hand started bleeding,  Phil then tore down the shower curtain and started punching the bathroom wall "Phil, open the frinking door" mex and his friends started banging on the door "go away" Phil said as mex can tell Phil has been crying . Mex didn't listen and continued banging on the door "mex , I think it's best if we leave him alone" Venezuela said with his hand on mex's shoulders spoke , "I guess you're right" mex sighed and all of them left Phil's room leaving Phil sitting down  infront on the door crying...

Hours later it was already 10 pm mex was done having dinner 2 hours ago , mex who was concerned brought a plate with food put it on the table that was beside Phil's bed and knocked on the bathroom door "Phil , are you ok" mex says "Look I left food beside your bed incase you're hungry" mex said as he was about to leave Phil's room again the bathroom door opened reveling Phil in the dark bathroom.

"Phil " mex was about to hug Phil but when Phil revealed himself under the light mex's  eyes widen when he saw Phil had broken glass on his leg and broken sharp mirror pieces that was sticking out his hand that was still bleeding "Phil you're bleeding" mex spoke "hold on a second I'll get the med kit , sit"  mex said as Phil sat down on the edge of his bed

And stared at his wounds emonless and continued crying , by now Phil's eyes was now red and sore . Mex came back with the med kit seeing Phil crying  mex entered the room going up to Phil and opening the med kit bringing out a  cotton that he damped in phil's bathroom sink before putting it in his would carefully cleaning it "now can you please tell me what happened?" Mex said still cleaning Phil's wounds . Phil sighed and started telling the what happened  .

"Now aust didn't know that I actually fell for him and now-" Phil was cut off by Phil "it's ok Phil you don't deserve him anyway" mex said carefully removing the broken sharp  mirror pieces  from his hand "but-but-" Phil was again  cutting off by mex "no buts" mex said wrapping a bandage on Phil's wounds "now after I do this go straight to bed and change to pajamas and get some sleep" mex said now securing Phil's badge as Phil nodded

After mex was done mex went out and said good night. Phil looked at the food that mex brought and started eating it like he hasn't eaten for days after that he brushed his teeth and changed his clothes  to pajamas before turning off the lights  and flopping on his bed and started at the ceiling

And again started breaking down crying , again he grabbed his phone dialing Thai wiping his tears, untill she answered "Phil,  I'm glad you called do you know what's happening right now ?" Thai said " I know" Phil responded "and it already spread half way of our class" Thai said "look  I wanted to know who invited Hungary to the party " Phil said
"Brunei, he invited him" Thai said as Phil hangged up dialing

"You reached Brunei, you know what to do" the phone read which Phil started making a voice mail for Brunei "this is all your fault if you haven't invited Hungary this wouldn't ever happen" Phil said and sent the voice mail and turned off his phone  putting it on the side table Phil then cried himself to sleep


Okay I'll  be posting chapter 20 later and a reminder this book wasn't ment to offend anyone,  if I offended anyone I'm very sorry  .

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