chapter 1 : earpods

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Philippines , Malaysia , and Indonesia just finished class "where do y'all wanna go?" Malaysia asked both of them "the cafeteria" indo says

"Okay" Malaysia says while Philippines wasn't paying attention he was too busy listening to music through his earpods

Causing him to trip on someone's foot "guess who it is wimpy phil" ame teased Philippines while all his brothers laughed 

Indo and Malaysia  helped Phil up "it's okay I'm fine" he says embarrassed and annoyed at the same time "stop calling me a wimpy"

Philippines says annoyed

"Easy , we're  just messing with you anyways let me introduce you to my brother" America moved to the side reveling a blond blue eyed guy who was using a beret hat

Ame made Philippines more annoyed "bonjour, you must be Philippines?" France says looking at Phil trying to make a good impression extending his hand for a hand shake

"Look , I don't have time for y'all" Philippines says pinching the bridge of his nose . "But‐" Ame was  cut off  by the filipino

"No ! Ame ! No buts and not one again of your stupid brothers" Philippines left leaving ame and his brothers.  Leaving Philippines annoyed

"Don't worry about phil" Indonesia says "yeah phil don't  worry about it" both of them tried to cheer phil up

The trio arrived to the cafeteria as Malaysia got a chicken salad which Indo Also got cause both of them where in a diet cause they have a soccer game  next week while Philippines  got a bag of potato chips and a can of soda

"Phil- remember  what coach said you're not allowed to eat too many junk food cause you also have a game after 4 weeks" Malaysia says as the three of them went up to an empty table and then sat down 

"mal is right " indo says taking a bite of his chicken salad "do y'all always follow the rules?" phil says as he opened the bag of chips 

"no" both of them answered 

"prove it" phil put on a devilish smile "no , no were not doing it" malaysia says 

"relax i'm just kidding" the  stubborn filipino munched on his potato chips 

"so phil i heard that you got detention tomorrow Saturday" Malaysia says "yeah what did you do ?" Indo crossed his arms

"Long story ... it wasn't even my fault China keeps throwing paper balls so I went up to his desks and hit my f******* book over his head"

"You what?!" Indo choked on his water "what the f*** do you expect me to do leave him alone ?" Phil rolled his eyes
As he glanced at the window and it was now raining "s*** it's raining" Malaysia says finishing his chicken salad

"I gotta go" Philippines grabbed his black bag pack as Malaysia and Indonesia waved good bye and exited the cafeteria Philippines walked to the hall as he saw

China , North Korea , and Russia he paniced and decided to walk the another way. He plugged his earpods while walking through the hall as he hummed , this time he looked where he was going

He passed the gym seeing some countries he knew like Korea who was in his fencing suit that was color black and having fencing practice along with someone who was playing with him

Korea noticed the filipino and waved at him"ahg" Korea groaned falling to the ground with the anonymous player extending his sword hitting his mask and helping him up

"Good game man" Korea grabbed on his hand which  he offered

"Thanks" a thick accent escaped  from his white mask as he removed his mask reveling his face

"France" he smiled shaking Korea's hand "Korea" as he shook  his hand back

Phil's happy face turned into a an annoyed again face . France noticed  the filipino as he waved at him Philippines ignored  France and stormed out the cold , wet , rain


"I've got a feeling he- phil doesn't like me" France sighed and walked to the bleachers grabbing his water bottle drinking it

Followed by the the Korean following him getting his bag back "no phil is just I don't know annoyed cause your you know your brother? But once you get to know him he's just a cute guy to hangout with" Korea  says

"Are you going to change your clothes" the Korean asked the French

"No man I'm fine I'll change at home" he said carrying the bag  full of his fencing equipment heading to his locker putting his things inside and walked his way home

While walking he saw the filipino again  jogging in the rain as ran after him


Meanwhile  Philippines was jogging in the rain thinking today was a nightmare .Covering himself with his back pack causing the things  in it wet

Phil reached his limit while he pantend as he tried to catch  his breath "hey" France was now behind Philippines as he looked  back

He wanted to ran away as he started  tighted his fist but he tried to keep his cool  "hey I'm sorry about a while ago" Phil  says

France and walked side by side now "what ?" France said as he didn't hear what he said a while ago "I said  I'm sorry I was rude" Philippines  says

"So can we start again ?" Philippines asked France as Phil  he loosen tighted fist  "Sure why not"

"France" he said as he turned to his side handing his hand for a hand shake "Philippines but you can call phil or Philip" Philippines he said calm

"Okay then Phil" france scrunched his nose while he talked with his French accent "I really like your accent" Phil complimented France

"Then you should hear hear me speaking my language then" France smirked . "Sure tell me something in your language then " Phil says

"Fine then but what do you want me to say ?" France says "say the word 'it's raining" Phil says
"il pleut" France says ( I used Google translator so feel free to correct ) "cool " Phil says "thanks"

Philippines reached his apartment "this I guess this is bye for now ?" Philippines says "oh so this is your apartment?" France says "Yes it is" Philippines says "bye then ?" Phil was about to his apartment but France  stopped him

"Wait what's your phone number?" France  asked Philippines as both of them exchanged  phone numbers "see you Monday?" France  says saving Phil's  phone number

"Okay" Phil said also saving the phone number of  France.  Philippines went to his apartment as France watched.

Philippines opened  the door that his roommate Mexico gave to him seeing Mexico and Venezuela making out at the living room "crap , sorry,  sorry" Philippines coverd  his eyes heading to his room to change his went clothes

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