"All I know is you need to get the fuck out"

Mickey said picking him up again and pointing at the door

"What's going on with you! And why are you in this house?!"

"You need to get the fuck out right now or you'll regret it"

"I don't care Mick I need answers"

"I told you not to call me that and your really pissing me off! And what do you mean I never used to mind I've barely even met you!"

"I don't know what's going on!"

"Whats going on in there shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep!"

Mickeys brother was the least of his problems right now all he did was keep looking at Mickey

"Shut the fuck up asshole! We're going"

He said turning to Ian

"Fine dugouts?"

"How the fuck- never mind"

They walked in silence Mickey following Ian cautiously thinking he was walking into a trap or something

"now talk what the fuck are you going on about"

Ian didn't even know what he was on about did Mickey really forget this whole relationship or something? There was no explanation to what's going on

"How much do you remember about me?"

"All I know is I've seen you at the Kash and Grab with the old fucker and you tried having a go with my sister and she got us to come after you which we later found out was a lie and I steal from Kash and grab a lot and see you there it pisses you off but I don't give a fuck what you think so I kept doing it before you came barging with your psychotic bullshit!"

"Fuck! Were together Mick did I piss you off or something because I thought it was going really well considering you came out!"

"What the actual fuck are you on about!?"

"Were a couple, boyfriends whatever the fuck you wanna call it! And before you start your homophobic shit it's true!"

"I'm not fucking gay you piece of shit!"

"You don't have to lie to me! I never told anyone you did!"

"Don't fucking call me gay or I will kill you and don't think I won't do it"

Mickey started to storm away and Ian grabbed onto his arm and turned him around looking into his eyes Mickey looked beyond pissed

"The fuck are you talking about I told people"

"You came out to everyone at the alibi and your dad tried to kill you, that's why you moved in with me"

"Listen man I don't know what stuff your on or how you have the balls to show up to my house and make up all this shit but you need help"

"Because it's fucking true! Literally ask me anything about you I can tell you"

"I'm not doing that shit"

And once again he walked away leaving Ian almost in tears

"Your birthdays 10th of August 1994, you covered yourself in dirt to hide the fact that your fathers an absolute piece of shit and your gay but didnt admit for good reason"

Mickey/Ian One-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن