❄️ Chapter 18 ❄️

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"I'm sure you'll be able to think of something," Hiruzen said with a smile.

With that in mind, Yumetsuki had went out to look for something nice to buy the young girl she had never quite met before. In the end, she had ended up in a store with winter clothing.

Browsing through the clothes, there were so many pretty designs that Yumetsuki could not think of one thing to get. She had almost put herself in a misery until she came across a hooded jacket that was cream in colour and had fur around the hem and the cuffs.

Hyuga Clan and its compound was located not far from the Hokage's Office but it had its own seclusion. Yumetsuki had arrived on their front door, requesting to meet Hyuga Hiashi.

Just like the Uchiha Clan, the Hyuga Clan worked with Dojutsu that was highly valuable and it equally unnerved her at times. But unlike with the Uchiha men – who liked to talk to her in a way to rile her up and have her respond – the Hyuga men often kept their quiet, observing her only from distance.

Being led down the path to the Main Clan abode, Yumetsuki saw the Branch Family head, Hyuga Hizashi with his son. She had seen them often, somehow, but not as much of the Main Family aside from Hiashi. She, however, knew of his daughters only due to the fact that she was present at their birth, having helped the midwife who aided their mother.

"Good afternoon, Hiashi-Sama," Yumetsuki greeted, bowing deeply as she arrived in his presence. She straightened back up. "I arrive with a message from the Sandaime Hokage-Sama regarding your request to not attend the upcoming ceremony for the Kumogakure Envoys,"

Hiashi looked at the missive that Hiruzen had sent his way and Yumetsuki took the time to also pass the present she had brought. All of it seemed to wrap up the issue rather nicely for today.

It wasn't until Yumetsuki was making her way back out of the Hyuga Compound that she caught sight of Hyuga Hinata – she resembled her late mother remarkably.

Hinata had turned to look at the curious person leaving the compound and Yumetsuki had only smiled at her in response before she had left the premises on her way back to the Hokage's Office.

Only a few days to go.

The fateful day arrived swiftly afterwards and the envoy party soon arrived, led by a tall, slim man with dark eyes with lines underneath them, black hair and goatee. His head was bandaged and his right eye was covered by his Kumogakure forehead protector – he was a rather strange individual.

Almost at once, Yumetsuki was not a fan of the man. He had seen her, seemed to like what he had seen and went ahead to hit on her until Hiruzen mentioned her accomplishments 'despite her young age' that brought a hesitant stop to the middle-aged man's advances.

Yumetsuki had remained beside Hiruzen for the remainder of the meeting, keeping her expression clear. She knew that man had done the same as many others: her sharp features and tall height often led down to assumptions but she was still clearly a young teenager by her way of clothing.

Long last, the Peace Treaty was signed and dinner was served to the guests at the Hokage Office before they were brought to their boarding for the night. Yumetsuki had reported to Hiruzen and left later that evening to keep a watch over the guesthouse for the night.

Dressed into her ANBU clothing with her Miyabi Kitsune mask on, Yumetsuki situated herself in a feasible location and trained her eyes upon the house for the night, her Sensory field expansive.

Slowly, the snow began to descend upon the sleeping village but the fourteen-year-old remained sitting still in her place, not taking her eyes off of the guesthouse even for a second.

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