Chapter 36 - A Bubbly Bird's Blossom

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The small, but brave bluebird kept chasing after the dark crow.

It flapped its wings countless times.

Again and again, until it had caught up.

No matter the cold, it continued on its path with absurdly high determination.

It could only look straight ahead—the circumstances did not matter. Only the goal.

Suddenly, a very bad storm brewed on the horizon. The brave bluebird was aware of its implication and the consequences if they decided to continue chasing after the crow.

The crow was heading straight ahead, not taking any detours.

The bluebird didn't understand their intention, but nevertheless had made up its mind a long time ago.

It decided to follow the crow towards the storm's heart.


My long awaited date with Mimimi finally arrived. We had exchanged several messages last night and unanimously agreed on a meeting place—the Bean Tree Sculpture near the station. I think Hinami's influence is showing itself...

I arrived a bit earlier than we had originally planned, so I was just waiting for her right now. I looked around and could spot several other couples happily chatting with each other, children running around with bright smiles on their faces and—


My eyes were immediately drawn to a certain very loud voice, and there was Mimimi in all her energetic and cheery beauty. She stood out from the crowds of people, like a single bluebird in a flock of crows. I walked up to her.


"Come on!! You're with such a beauty—" Mimimi struck a silly pose where she stuck her tongue out and put two fingers near her left eye "—You should be ecstatic! Not everyone is as lucky as you, Brain!"

Her greeting was so Mimimi-like that I wasn't even overwhelmed or surprised by her cheeriness anymore. No, at this point, it was somehow comforting. Similar to a tidal wave of happiness rapidly approaching me like a storm, the warmth she radiated came flooding in all at once.

I quickly looked her over. Mimimi was wearing an airy, white blouse with a keyhole top. The blouse had long lantern sleeves with slits in the sides and lace panels that ran along the length so her upper arms were partially hidden but still showed through. For some reason, her showing just a little bit more skin was subtly enticing to me. Of course, she had an undershirt on, so it's not like there was a risk of anyone, including me, seeing anything if they looked from above, but somehow I found this look both tidy and alluring. It enhanced Mimimi's femininity in an unexpected way.

On the bottom she was wearing a short, bright red skirt. I guess not many people like to wear jeans in such hot weather, especially girls. The skirt fit her figure, accentuating her slender legs. But I'm pretty sure that Mimimi wasn't aware what kind of consequences a short skirt entailed, especially when she bends down to look at something in more detail. I would need to pay a bit more attention to her so no one else could snatch a glimpse.

She was also wearing small black boots that seemed to be made out of leather. Mimimi normally wore black sneakers, so seeing her wear something like this wasn't all that unusual to me.

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