Chapter 6 - Conclusions Converging

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He had to lie.

He had to deceive.

He had to trick others.

Can you blame him?

It is not that existences' own fault for turning out that way.

The infamous Void Of White changed its' fundamental structure.

They changed its' personality—if it even ever was allowed to possess one.

They changed its' eyes—if it ever had any.

They changed its' life—if it wasn't already dead.

You cannot blame him.

He was looking out for himself.

No matter the amount of cruelty,

no matter the amount of torture,

no matter the amount of hardships,

he endured.

He wanted to see.

See for himself what lays outside.

His curiosity unbound, he jumped over the fence and let the wind carry him.

Trickery, deception and lies were his tools which granted him freedom.

They became sharper and sharper until they could pierce anything.

Even the hardest of materials.

The boy became even more curious—what happens if the Void Of White is brought outside?

If his tools of destruction are not whisked away into nothingness, but rather shine in sunlight.

How would they react?

What would happen?

He wished to see, dearly.

He may be soulless, lifeless, cold and completely empty...

but he was curious.


I'm glad everything worked out yesterday. It was quite tiring.

If I had made even a small mistake, everything could have fallen apart. But luckily, it did not.

All that is left to do now is to see how the actors will play out their roles.

Let's enter the lion's den.


Waking up from my well-earned sleep, I completed my morning ritual and quickly left the house. 

Honestly, I'm in a good mood today. Why shouldn't I? I mean, it's a beautiful day outside. The birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, I don't have to deal with any annoying peo—

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