Chapter 21 - Mysterious Mishappening

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Theater. Movies. Sketches. Books.

Even though very different, all of these have one aspect in common—

they merely depict, not happen.

But how do you differentiate between reality and fantasy?

Take a movie or a theater play.

In both of them, humans merely act out a role. They don't suddenly receive the ability to literally become the depiction they are portraying—they keep their original identity.

Whether it is a real being, a historical person that once lived in our world or a fantastical creature that exists in our minds

is of no importance.

Everyone is aware of it. We know for a fact that what we are seeing is simply the end result of a long thought process.

Then, the question remains: When does fantasy transition into reality?

Does the possibility even exist? Or are our basic assumptions flawed?

Act out a role you chose yourself voluntarily.

You put on your mask and be the person you want everyone to see.

You, yourself, know that it is simply a mask. Not your actual being.

Hiding your real thoughts, your true opinions of the people around you, you stroll through everyday life.

 Not caring if the mask only covers part of the face, or if there any fissures—

you keep it on, no matter how uncomfortable it may become.

 Why? Doesn't that sound like torture? Why would someone put themselves voluntarily through something like that?

The answer lies in the fundamental nature of humans, or as some call it the fundamental question:

"What really drives human behavior?"

Many great minds have considered this problem. It's been discussed since the dawn of man.

While there are multiple possible answers, there is one that may come to mind.


Also known as ambition.

Like jealousy and inferiority, ambition is a powerful drug. Quite possibly one of the most powerful ones the human mind can endure.

While some evaluate it as something positive, something that can further an individual and give them something to reach out to, something to work towardsmany blind themselves to the poisonous thorns of ambition.

The sweet poison that seeps through your body, numbing your every nerve. Robbing you of common sense.

What happens if ambition takes over a person's mind?

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